A High-Intensity SEALFIT Workout [VIDEO]
In this video, Commander Divine, founder of SEALFIT, introduces three movement standards for an intense bodyweight workout.
Watch this video and get familiar with the form of the strict dead hang pull-up, the Navy SEAL push-up, and the air squat. The form is important to get right before you launch into the workout at a high intensity. Seek accurate performance of the form first, then consistent accuracy, and then intensity. The workout is to do as many rounds as possible (AMRAP) in 20 minutes of:
- 5x Pull-up
- 10x Push-up
- 15x Air Squat
Beginners should target 10 rounds, intermediate athletes 15, and advanced athletes 20+ rounds. Good luck – train hard and have fun. Hooyah!
Commander Divine is the founder of SEALFIT. He is the author of the New York Times Bestseller 8 Weeks to SEALFIT, available now for purchase at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Indiebound, BAM, and iBooks.