How to Get Rid of Scuff Marks on Your Shoes
We all know what it’s like to fall in love with a pair of shoes, only to scuff them up the next day. Instead of just accepting shoe scuffs as your inevitable fate, check out these five tips to
remove scuff marks on shoes using lemon juice, nail polish remover, and much more.
Getting rid of scuff marks can be tough, but there are a couple tried and true methods to help you out, including using nail polish remover and lemon juice. Keep reading for more.
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How to Scrub Away Scuffs
If you have black scuff marks on your shoes—or even your luggage or other items—lemon juice can help. Sprinkle salt over a lemon wedge and rub it over the mark. Then wipe with a paper towel or dry cloth.
You can also try using vinegar.
Get Rid of Scuffs with Nail Polish Remover
Just about any scuff mark can be removed with the help of some nail polish remover. Wet a rag with some, then rub on the scuffmark lightly but quickly. You may need to give your shoes the once-over with a
damp cloth afterwards.
See also: 4 Surprising Items You Can Clean in a Washing Machine
Get Stains off Suede
If you have suede (or faux suede) shoes, removing stains is easy. Just brush them with an emery board, like you’d usually use for your fingernails.
Remove Marks from Patent Leather
If your patent leather shoe or other item has a scuff mark, use rubbing alcohol to get it off. Dampen a paper towel or rag with some, then wipe the mark off. If you don’t have rubbing alcohol, you can
also use a window cleaner like Windex or hand sanitizer, both of which contain a lot of alcohol.
Check out Who Knew’s 6 Second Uses for Hand Sanitizer
How to Get Marks Off White Canvas Shoes
Are your white shoes suffering from scuff marks? Rub a little baking soda into the offending areas and the marks will practically disappear. If you have a white paint marker or even some old-school
White-Out, you can use that to cover the mark as well.
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