How to Get Rid of Slugs or Snails in Your Garden
Do you have slugs or snails in your garden? To keep slugs or snails from eating your plants, there are a few easy natural remedies you can try. Here are the ones we’ve found actually work!
Bruce and Jeanne Lubin
Getting Rid of Snails and Slugs with Beer
If you can’t beat ’em…get ’em drunk? Believe it or not, beer is a great way to get rid of snails or slugs. Find the cheapest beer you can, then pour it into several shallow containers (shoeboxes lined with aluminum foil work well). Dig a few shallow holes in your garden and place the containers inside so that they are at ground level. Leave overnight, and the next morning, you’ll find dozens of dead (or drunk) snails and slugs inside. These critters are attracted to beer (who isn’t?), but it has a diuretic effect on them, causing them to lose vital liquids and die.
Use Up Old Orange Peels
To keep slugs and snails from destroying your garden, place some orange peels on the soil. The creepy crawlers are attracted by the peels and will begin to feed on them out in the open. You can collect and remove them from the garden.
Get Slugs and Snails to Go Elsewhere
If you’re having problems with slugs eating your flowers, and nothing seems to work, your solution might be in the form of distraction. Slugs love cabbage, so planting a few in your garden will ensure they stay away from your flowers and go for the cabbage instead.
Eggshells to Repel Slugs and Snails
Another way to keep slugs and snails away from your plants is to sprinkle some crushed eggshells in the dirt around their stems. Slugs don’t like them, and will stay away. Meanwhile, the crushed up shells serve as an all-natural fertilizer for your plants.
For more ways to get rid of insects from all around the internet, check out our Bug and Pest Natural Remedies board on Pinterest. And don’t forget to sign up for our newsletter and follow us on Facebook and Instagram!