Is E-mail Making You More Productive? Maybe Not!
March 1, 2012
1 minute read
Does e-mail actually make you more productive, or does it just make you feel more productive?
Email overload is a huge problem for many of us. Email is a communication tool. It doesn’t inherently help you get more done. All it does is speed up certain kinds of communication. It makes it easier to communicate information and harder to communicate emotion, but gives us the feeling we’ve accomplished something useful. You owe it to yourself to make sure email is truly making you productive, not just making you feel productive.
- Log how much time you spend on email in a typical day. Most of us underestimate the time we actually spend.
- Calculate how much time you really spend each year on email. You might be shocked to find out the results.
- Review email overload tips and see if any would make it easier to reclaim some of your time.