Daily Exercise Made Easy
No time for the gym? Exercise in small ways throughout the day.
Today’s topic is working exercise into your daily activities.
I recently took a full-time job. Spiritually rewarding, great colleagues, challenge, and contribution, Yes. Time to work out, No. My muscle tone now resembles breadfruit, and trainer Tyler is not pleased. I begged him to help me find ways to get exercise, so I don’t turn into a gigantic dumpling.
[Tyler Duckworth]
About 9-months ago, Stever walked into my gym asking to look like a Greek God. He has been a dream client, doing everything I ask, and, might I add, all with a rather coy smile. Now he looks fantastic with toned arms, muscular legs and defined pecs, but I can say with all certainty, no one knows how to turn a simple bicep curl into Vaudevillian drama better than Mr. Stever Robbins.
And here he is, making more drama by not having time to get fit. If you don’t have the time to join a gym, hire a trainer, and work out fanatically, the good news is… fitness is fun and fun is had everywhere! I have five tips to stay lean and mean at the office without breaking (much of) a sweat.
Water Water Everywhere!
First, take a water break! You can lead a horse to water, and even then, there’s enough for you to have some, too. Every hour, fill up your water bottle. Drinking water decreases hunger and overeating, a big problem with office workers. And we all know that water cooler conversation is where it’s really at; this is your chance to chime in.
Stairway to Fitness
Never take the elevator. There’s a reason the song was Stairway to Heaven. Stairs burn calories while tightening and toning that tush. When where I’m going is five or fewer flights away, I take the stairs! Plus, you NEVER know who you may run into in that hallway. You may find yourself finding excuses to run up those five flights…
And ladies, yes you in the black pumps… I say go for it! The shoes already work your calves, so take the stairs for that bikini bum for your Winter Wonderland vacation in the Bahamas! Listen, I’ve seen a drag queen do precision high-kicks in six-inch heels, so, no excuses! I mean, what’s five flights of stairs compared to that?!
Snack the Hunger Away
Yet, eat more! You’d think that five meals will make you eat more! The truth is, your body is like an engine. Food is gasoline, just not as expensive. You can’t put too much in, but, you don’t want to be running on fumes. Five small meals and a couple snacks lets your metabolism keep running without being swamped with calories. It keeps your energy up all day long! Then your body recruits calories to digest. So you eat food to burn the food you ate earlier… But its all about balance. Many small, even meals. Big meals are way too many calories in one sitting, and those go straight to FAT STORAGE!!!
Knee up on the Competition
Your chair is your best friend when it comes to that washboard stomach. Yes, you can tone your abs sitting at your desk.
Sit on the edge of your chair. Keep a straight back and slowly bring your knees up off the floor… Yes, you’re working your core. More specifically, your lower abs. Be sure to grip the end of you seat with both your hands to ensure a solid grip. If you want to challenge yourself even more, lean back slightly. This increases the range of motion, but remember to keep your back solid and strong!
How do you sit on your chair throughout the day? Are you upright? Slouching…? Simply keeping your back completely upright in the neutral position requires core strength and conditioning. Then flex your abs for a nice, small burn.
And if you like your floor more than your chair, oh brave office commando, don’t be afraid to drop down and give me twenty! If you do twenty push-ups each hour, over the typical nine-hour workday, that’s 180 push-ups! That sassy salesperson on the 3rd floor is all but yours!
Setting Stretch Goals
Keep your body nimble and agile and you keep blood flowing, which builds muscle faster after a workout. Especially after all those stairs you took after that terrible 9 o’clock meeting?!
[STEVER VOICEOVER: Meetings? I just love meetings! No, I don’t. I hate meetings…]
Stretching also prevents injury by allowing mobility in your joints and musculoskeletal system.
Job interviewers want “flexibility.” Well, give it to them! Do some simple arm stretches, arm circles, and deep lunges in your cubical. What better opportunity to show off your assets to the company?!
To recap: drink water. Take the stairs. Eat small and steadily throughout the day. Tone your abs at your desk. And stretch.
[Stever] Thanks, Tyler! And for more tips on how to get fit Quick and Dirty style, check out the Get-Fit Guy and subscribe to his podcasts.
This is Stever Robbins. Send questions to getitdone@quickanddirtytips.comcreate new email or leave voicemail at 866-WRK-LESS. Conquer your e-mail with my audio program You Are Not Your Inbox: Overcoming E-Mail overload at YouAreNotYourInbox.com.