The Fourth Quarter
Jeb Blount gives timely advice on making your fourth quarter sales activity count.
The Fourth Quarter
As we enter the 4th Quarter of the year it is crunch time for many Sales Professionals. With just three months left in the year to make quota, achieve presidents club, hit bonus targets, and in some cases remain employed, salespeople everywhere are scrambling to make things happen. Today I have a message for you on how to win in Q4.
In sales the fourth quarter is tough. You are tired. You’ve been beat up all year by prospects, customers, the economy, and the boss. It has been a hard year and you might even wish it would just end so you can start over new. Making things worse, there are two major holidays stuck right in the middle of the quarter, which are extremely disruptive to selling. Frankly, it is really easy to just skate through the fourth quarter and hope for better things in January.
I was thinking about this on Saturday while I was watching football. One of the best games of the day was the Ohio State – USC game that eventually came down to the last drive of the game. All day long, in games all over America, there had been exciting fourth quarter pushes that were the difference between winning and losing. In the USC – Ohio State game both teams fought hard for three quarters. They both played exceptional football. It was a fun game to watch. On the last drive of the game though USC, lead by a freshman quarterback, won the game.
During the postgame analysis one the commentators made a statement that struck me as the perfect analogy for selling in the fourth quarter. He said, “Both teams played hard and Ohio State has nothing to be ashamed of. They played a great game. But in the fourth quarter, on that drive, USC just wanted it more.”
I love that analogy. Two great teams, playing great football, and all things equal the team that won just wanted it more.
Here is a question for you: What do you have on the line in Q4? How much more bonus or commission will you make if you just want it more? Do you have a shot at your company’s award trip? How far can you move up on the stack ranking? Is there a promotion you want? Is there something you want to do for your family? A house, a pool, a car, a vacation, or a happy and relaxed holiday season?
What are you willing to do make these things happen in the 4th Quarter? Only you can answer that question. The fourth quarter starts in a few weeks. The game is on the line. You have one last shot to deliver a great sales year and achieve your goals. Now is the time do make the mental decision that will determine where you stand when time runs out on December 31st. How bad do you want it?
This is Jeb Blount, the Sales Guy. If you have a sales question please send it to salesguy@quickanddirtytips.comcreate new email.