How to Make Better Introductions and Remember Names (Part 2)
Making introductions is hard. Remembering names is even harder. In Part 2 of this series, the Public Speaker shares her 5 secrets for always remembering the names of people you meet.
Lisa B. Marshall
How to Make Better Introductions and Remember Names (Part 2)
In Part 1 of this series, I gave you my best tips for making proper introductions. Today we’re going to talk about how to remember names. Although it can be tough to remember people’s names, with some practice, you can definitely learn to do it. Remembering names and making good introductions will help you feel at ease in any social or business situation.>
John attended a job fair in which he was hoping to dazzle and create leads for employment. He found himself not being able to remember a colleague’s name, so he resorted to his old trick of asking the person, “You have a unique name. How do you spell it?” And to his embarrassment, the reply was, “B – O – B.”
Oops. Maybe John needs a few other tips in his arsenal so this doesn’t happen again. Let’s explore some ideas for remembering names:
Tip #1: Use Images
Names are hard to remember because usually they are not associated with any objects or images. This is why assigning an image to someone is effective. It especially helps if you use the sounds of their name to form those images.
I kept forgetting a woman whose name is Jennifer, so finally I decided to picture a hen (sounds like Jen), with her hairstyle, shivering with a fur (fer). Her hairstyle stood out to me, but for someone else it could be something unrelated and just sounds like the name. Take the name Phil. We met at a party and he liked to fill up his plate at the buffet line. Now I’ll never forget his name!
Also, use some information that person has given you about themselves for your mental image, if possible. Phil likes to mountain climb, so I can picture him in that activity.
Use your imagination, too. The crazier the image, the more likely the name will stick. And no one has to know how unflattering or bizarre the image is in your mind. It’s all for a good cause.
Tip #2: Use Your Surroundings
You can associate the person and their name with something you remember about the event where you met.
For example, I’ll always remember that I met Eva’s mom Jennifer at a birthday party. I can still see our mutual friend’s yard, patio, and house. I can picture the birthday cake with Jennifer’s name on it, or picture her name written on the tablecloth. I see the name Jennifer on the balloons from the party, bobbing around in my mind. Now, whenever I see Eva, I can remember her mom’s name by having an anchor memory to which I can add the missing pieces.
Tip #3: Repeat It
Maybe your memory works better using sounds. Whether it is in your head or out loud, repeating someone’s name when you first meet them is very effective. Use the person’s name in a sentence when you are introduced. “So what is your role in the company, Garrett?” or simply, “Nice to meet you, Sylvia.” And if Sylvia has silver hair, that’s a bonus – a visual and auditory memory cue! Repeat the name as you make eye contact.
Once you’ve met someone, repeat the name in your head a few minutes later, then repeat again an hour later, and then again the next day. Say it out loud if it helps. Imagine yourself introducing that person to your friend in a future setting. Just repeat!
Another way to use the sound of someone’s name is in a song. You can make up a song or use a commercial jingle and substitute something about the person for the lyrics. The jingle “Nationwide is on your side” can be used for “Tony is in real estate!” or “Jennifer is Eva’s mom!”
Tip #4: Connect New Names With People You Already Know
My friend had a hard time remembering her new neighbors she briefly met while out walking near her home. Once she got their names again, which were David and John, she remembered them in the future because she has a cousin named John David. This technique helps when you meet several people at the same time. I can remember certain acquaintances’ names because I already have family members and friends with the same names.
Remember Names Tip #5: Be Honest and Just Ask
Most people forget names. It is very common in social and professional situations. If nametags are available, I like to write my name with a title or characteristic unique to me. For example, “Lisa – Author.” This will help others remember my name, and I always appreciate when someone does the same with their nametag.
Whenever there is no nametag to identify someone, and you’ve forgotten his or her name, simply say, “I’m sorry, I didn’t catch your name.” Do this shortly after the introduction. Or be more specific, for example, “I enjoyed your insight on x,y,z, but I forgot your name.” At least they’ll know they made an impression on you.
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Before introductions begin, make sure to pay attention in the first place. Most people don’t catch names from the very beginning because they are thinking about what to say while being introduced. So once you’ve heard the person’s name, try using any of the above techniques. Connect names with images, sounds, settings, and people. They are tried and true methods, and very effective.
These tips really do work. Keep practicing remembering names and making good introductions, and you’ll be an expert at it before you know it. If you have a good tip for remember names or introducing people, please share it with us.
This is Lisa B. Marshall, Helping you maximize sales, manage perceptions, and enhance leadership through keynotes, workshops, books, and online courses. Passionate about communication; your success is my business.
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