12 Fun Facts About…Savvy Psychologist
QDT is pulling back the curtain to reveal fascinating facts about each of our experts. This week, 12 things you didn’t know about Dr. Ellen Hendriksen, Savvy Psychologist.
The best piece of advice I’ve ever gotten was…
Most of the hard work you do just keeps you busy until serendipity happens. But you still have to do the hard work.
The weirdest reader/listener email I’ve ever gotten was…
From a guy who first said he loved the show and then offered to sell me new window treatments.
The book I’m reading right now is…
The Snow Queen, by Michael Cunningham. He and Jeffrey Eugenides line the words up just right.
If I had a super power I would like to…
Fly. Although when I have flying dreams, I don’t fly like Superman – I fly like I’m on a Stairmaster. Weird.
My worst habit is…
Staying up too late even though I know I’ll be tired the next day. And chewing way too much gum. At least my breath is pristine.
When I wake up in the morning, the first thing I do is…
Get body slammed by a child climbing in the bed. Who needs an alarm clock?
My guilty pleasure is…
Jelly beans. Chocolate may be cliche, but at least it has a measure of sophistication. Jelly beans have no such redeeming refinement.
My favorite vacation spot is…
Hawai’i. My mother is from Honolulu, so we are always required to do a weird mix of tourist and local stuff: beautiful beaches and fun attractions, yes, but also Zippy’s and a cemetery or two.
The weirdest place I’ve ever recorded or written a podcast is…
Surrounded by piles of pillows and laundry to absorb excess noise. At least the laundry was clean.
If I could give my avatar another accessory, it would be…
I’d just tell her to loosen up a little. Leopard-print heels? Lose the pearls, maybe? She looks smart, but a little too much like Tony Soprano’s psychiatrist.
The one thing I would tell my 20-year-old self is…
No one is evaluating you – you can relax.
My college major was…
I’ll give you one guess.
For more fun facts about all the Quick and Dirty Tips hosts, check out the entire archive of fun facts.