5 Simple Steps to Build Your Perfect Investment Portfolio
Being proactive about investing your money is a good idea, in spite of your instinct to freeze after the past few years of stock market volatility.
This article is a guest post from Johanna Scott, the Community Manager at Betterment.
If you follow Laura’sblog or podcast, chances are you’re pretty savvy with your finances. However, I wouldn’t blame you if the past few years of stock market volatility had you frozen in fear. In an article about investing in the New York Times, Richard Thaler points out:
“Acting like a deer in the headlights can be a good strategy if you are trying not to be seen, but it can get you run over.”
Despite the instinct to freeze, it is a good idea to be proactive about investing your money. If you store your money in a savings account, it will barely keep up with inflation. You work hard for your money, so make it go to work for you! Read More »