Get-Fit Guy Widget
Feature Get-Fit Guy’s Tips on Your Website or Blog
You can now feature Get-Fit Guy on your web site or blog. The widget shown here in three sizes will display the titles and play the audio clips for the ten most recent Get-Fit Guy episodes. Users clicking the “Listen” button in the widget as it appears on your site will be able to listen to the complete podcast episode without leaving your blog. Click here for instruction for basic instructions on how to embed this widget on your site. Specific instructions for Blogger, Typepad, and Live Journal are listed below.
Size: 300 x 250
Size 200 x 250
Size 160 x 600
If you’re familiar with widgets and know how to embed them on your web site or blog, then all you need to do to post one of these is click on the “share” button on the widget size that you want to feature on your site and then click the copy button which will appear beneath the code. From there, simply paste the code into your template, side bar, or blog post.
If you aren’t familiar with widgets or haven’t installed one on your blog before, here are step by step instructions for some of the most common blogging platforms:
- Choose the widget size that you want to feature on your blog. Option B (200 x 250) and option C (160 x 600) will fit in the side bar on Blogger.
- Click on the share button for the widget that you want to feature.
- Once the code has appeared in the widget, click the copy button just below it.
- In Blogger, go to Layout–>Page Elements.
- Click “Add a Gadget”.
- A new window will open. Choose “Html/Javascript”.
- In the “Content” box, paste the code that you copied in step 3.
- Type something witty but grammatically correct into the “Title” box–if you want.
- Click “Save”. The window will close.
- Click “Save” on the Edit Page Elements page.
- Check out your sweet new widget by hitting “View Blog”!
- Choose the widget size that you want to feature on your blog. Option A (300×250), option B (200 x 250) or option C (160 x 600) will work.
- Click on the share button for the widget that you want to feature.
- Once the code has appeared in the widget, click the copy button just below it.
- Go to the HTML tab in your LiveJournal post and paste the code in the field provided.
Note: The widget size is flexible within a range of 160 – 300 pixels wide and 250 – 600 pixels high. You can customize the widget size within these ranges by changing the width and height anywhere it appears in the code that you copy to your site or blog.