The Rules of Video Conferencing
Video conferencing is rife with potential manners pitfalls – distraction, snacking, bad hair. Don’t make these mistakes! Follow Modern Manners Guy’s tips on the rules of polite video conferencing.
Richie Frieman
The Rules of Video Conferencing
Nowadays people are using the internet to communicate in all sorts of rapid ways. From email, to tweets, to Facebook, to video calls, if you want to get a hold of someone a thousand miles away, you can do so in a split second. Many businesses have turned to video conferencing platforms like Skype or Google+ to bring clients, coworkers, and customers who are not in close proximity into the same virtual room..
However, the casual ease that comes with being able to be face-to-face with people around the world, from the comfort of your home, has allowed some of us to let down our professional guard. It seems that some forget that a video call means you’re being watched (and judged) in real time. And you can’t hide.
So before you spend your next video conference call dozing off, surfing the web, or show up with your hair unkempt, check out my top 3 quick and dirty tips for proper video conferencing etiquette:
Tip #1: The Eyes Don’t Lie
Being able to multitask is an incredible talent. However, it’s the kind of talent that some self-described multitaskers tend to take for granted. So when you’re video chatting with a multitasker, you may notice they are doing a variety of things, potentially unrelated to you and your current conversation. Don’t believe me? OK then, here’s a test: Next time you are on a video conference with someone who spends their day juggling five different projects at once, watch their eyes as you talk with them. Chances are their eyes will not be focused on you. Instead their eyes will be shifting to their computer or smartphone where they’re surfing the web, checking email, or working on another document. They’ll try to hide it of course – or think they’re hiding it – but in the end, the eyes don’t lie.
When you’re on a video conference call, you can’t get away with the slick moves you pull in a standard conference telephone call. And don’t act like you don’t know what I’m talking about. We’re all guilty of checking email while someone else is talking or even enjoying a nice snack – while on mute, of course. But when you are on a video conference call, you have to up the professionalism and be much more engaged in the conversation. Remember – they can see you!
It’s rude to look distracted while someone else is talking. Even if you’re responding the right way, and answering when addressed, the person(s) on the other line will still find it annoying that you would rather check your Twitter feed than talk to them. That’s why I recommend treating a video conference call as if it was a real life, one-on-one in-person meeting. Pretend that you’re in the confines of someone’s office where you wouldn’t dare check your phone or see what your friend just posted on Facebook.
Tips #2: You Are What You Eat
I’ve covered the topic of Office Snacking Etiquette and I’ve also covered the topic of Conference Call Etiquette, however the video conference call tends to marry the two together in an unmannerly romance. For whatever reason, the video conference call makes people feel a level of comfort similar to that of relaxing by the pool. Just because you’re at home, or in your office, with the door shut does not mean business is still not being done.
So why would you let the people on the other end of the video call see you taking swigs of a drink, eating a sloppy sandwich, or loudly crunching chips? If anything, shouldn’t your manners be even more on point because you’re being watched in real time? I don’t see why some people find it necessary to bring a buffet to the table of a video conference call. But it happens all the time.
Similar to Tip #1, when you do anything that isn’t directly related to the call, it shows that you don’t respect the other people on the line. And while you can sometimes get away with checking your email while on a phone call, bringing food to the video meeting is something you can’t hide. No one wants to hear you talk with your mouth full, let alone see you talk with your mouth full. Gross! It’s not like you’re dining together for a lunch meeting either, where pausing to take a bite or wipe your mouth is expected and permitted.
As well, when someone is eating on camera it is distracting to the other people on the call. I don’t care how focused you are, when someone is chowing down on a turkey club during a video call you can’t help but have your concentration challenged. Bottom line, it’s distracting and rude for everyone on the line. Period. You can wait until the end of the call to chow down on your afternoon snack.
Tip #3: Look the Part
I remember seeing an interview with a local news anchor in which he admitted to always wearing shorts on air during the summer, since he’s never shown from the waist down. From the belt up, he always looked impeccable, in a suit and tie. I thought that was brilliant! After all, why not be comfortable if you can get away with it?
The same goes for video conference calls. When people are watching you, you have to look professional. No one wants to log onto a video chat and see a disheveled mess on the other end. It shows a lack of attention to one’s self and a lack of respect for the other callers. An unkempt person is not a prepared person.
Here’s the deal, folks: Always, always, always look the part on a video conference call. Do you have to wear a whole suit if you’re not going to be shown in full? No, not at all. But you do have to give the impression that you are totally prepared for your business meeting. Don’t let the ease and casualness of a video call distract you. People are watching and judging, so come to the call looking sharp and they will take you for the serious professional that you are.
As always, if you have another manners question, I look forward to hearing from you at manners@quickanddirtytips.comcreate new email. Follow me on Twitter @MannersQDT, and of course, check back next week for more Modern Manners Guy tips for a more polite life.
Do you have any recent graduates in your circle, or perhaps someone who is looking to start a new career, check out my book, Reply All…And Other Ways to Tank Your Career for great tips and advice on job success. It’s available now!