The Legality of Recording Conversations This episode deals with the legality of recordings made by private citizens who are not...
Legal Disclaimers Today, I will answer the most common question I have received since I began this podcast: why do...
Lawyers, Prosecutors, and Attorneys January 12, 2008 3 minute readWhat is the difference between a prosecutor, an attorney, and a...
Is Law School Worth It? February 22, 2013 3 minute readFind out why some young lawyers are accusing law schools...
Landlords and Tenants Today I will answer a question that touches upon several legal topics including landlord/tenant, fixtures, legal rights...
Is Ladies Night Legal? July 8, 2011 4 minute readCan businesses charge different prices based on gender? Today’s topic: Is...
Keep Paper or Toss - Just Know Which! Legal Lad and Get-it-Done Guy tell you what paperwork you need to...
Jury Nullification Did you ever want to tell “the man” that his rules were bogus, and you simply were not...
Judgment Collections Winning a lawsuit is often only half the battle, and some successful lawsuits can end in nothing more...
Is It Legal to Record a Conversation? August 17, 2012 4 minute readThe rules for secretly recording conversations. Today’s...
Involuntary Commitment: Part 1 Some of the history of involuntary commitment, and how it has evolved. By Michael W. Flynn...
Involuntary Commitment II This is the second is episode in a two-part series on involuntary commitment. This episode will discuss...