Constitution 101: Amending the Constitution February 8, 2013 3 minute readThe Constitution has a procedure for making amendments but it...
Conflict of Interest Non-competition clauses, conflict of interest, and privacy disclosures. What are the employee's and employer's rights? By Michael...
Confidentiality With Clergy Confidentiality with clergy is an important part of many people’s religious experience –from the formal Catholic sacrament,...
Civil Commitment What are the legal procedures for getting a person “committed” against his will? Get a legal expert’s take...
Civil Commitment (Part II) What are the legal procedures for getting a person “committed” against his will? Get a legal expert’s...
Citizen's Arrest In most states, a private citizen has the right to arrest someone who has committed a felony in...
Is Christmas Unconstitutional? Does the Christmas holiday violate the Constitution? By Adam Freedman December 30, 2011 4 minute readHappy Holidays!...
Is Cheerleading a Sport? Learn why a federal judge ruled that cheerleading is not a sport and why it matters...
Can Your Boss Make You Work Overtime? March 1, 2013 3 minute readIs it legal for an employer to require...
Can You Be Sued Even if You're "Not Guilty"? OJ Simpson wasn’t the first person to go to court twice...
Can You Be Fired for a Facebook Post? You can be fired for online postings, even when accessing the Internet...
Can States Opt Out of Federal Law? August 31, 2012 5-minute readCan a state decide not to adopt the new...