Clean Your Apartment, Fast! March 14, 2011 4 minute readHow to clean an apartment without it taking days. 064 GID...
Clean, Organize, and Declutter with Marie Kondo's Magic: Part 2 September 8, 2015 4 minute readMarie Kondo's book The Life-Changing...
Clean, Organize, and Declutter with Marie Kondo's Magic: Part 1 September 1, 2015 5-minute readMarie Kondo's book The Life-Changing Magic of...
Clarify Roles and Responsibilities Up Front September 20, 2012 1 minute readGet-It-Done Guy explains how clarifying roles and responsibilities in...
Busy, But Not Productive October 22, 2013 4 minute readBusy and productive are not the same thing. Get-It-Done Guy highlights...
Busting Your Book Backlog February 3, 2009 4 minute readHow to get through your backlog of reading. 068 GID How...
The 7 Best Ways to Organize a Pantry Cereal boxes taking up too much room? Can't figure out a good...
Being on Time February 24, 2009 3 minute readHow to be on time for meetings, appointments, and events. 071 GID...
Beating Down Your Book Backlog July 9, 2012 4 minute readIt’s easy to accumulate an endless pile of things you...
Ask Your Boss for a Development Plan January 23, 2013 4 minute readProfessional development starts by creating a development plan...
Advice for New College Grads – Get-it-Done Basics October 4, 2011 4 minute readWhat you need to know to stay...
A Sewer’s Guide to Keep Supplies Organized August 17, 2017 2 minute readMake sure your sewing supplies stay organized with...