Petraeus Sex Scandal – What Went Wrong? Tech Talker delves into how the government stumbled upon incriminating emails that led...
Organizing Research Resources March 22, 2010 4 minute readHow to keep track of links, references, and webpages when doing research....
Open Heart Surgery on Your Computer August 23, 2012 4 minute readTech Talker takes apart your computer to explain the...
Nuking Voicemail Abusers January 1, 2008 3 minute readPeople leaving useless voicemail? Whip 'em into shape by setting clear boundaries....
Nuke Your Slow Computer! April 1, 2008 5-minute readSometimes trying to fix a problem takes longer than starting from scratch....
Kids and Technology (Part 2) Tech Talker and Mighty Mommy get together to provide helpful advice on age-appropriate electronics for...
Keep Sensitive Files Safe April 7, 2009 5-minute readHow to keep your sensitive files safe after you have scanned them....
Introduction to BitTorrent Tech Talker explains BitTorrent, one of the most popular (and controversial) ways to share digital files online....
Introduction to BitTorrent, Part 2 Tech Talker explains how to use and optimize BitTorrent to stream files on the internet....
Introduction to Bitcoin (Part 2) Tech Talker continues his series on the world’s largest digital currency, Bitcoin. By Eric Escobar...
Introduction to Bitcoin (Part 1) January 9, 2013 4 minute read Tech Talker introduces you to the world’s largest digital...
How to Wipe Personal Info from Electronics July 31, 2014 5-minute readDo you have a bunch of gadgets gathering dust...