10 Surprising Ways the Internet Can Help Parents April 17, 2016 7-minute readMighty Mommy is a firm believer in taking...
Use Punctuation Like a Pro to Drive Home Your Meaning August 13, 2020 3 minute readPunctuation can convey more meaning...
Em-Dashes: Arrows to the Heart H.S. Cross, author of "Grievous," discusses how and why she uses em-dashes—instead of quotation marks—to...
The Origin of the Orc Scott Oden, author of "Twilight of the Gods" uncovers the fascinating etymology of "orc." By...
Launch: The New Podcast About Writing a Novel January 25, 2018 1 minute readGet-It-Done Guy shares a clip of a...
BONUS: LeVar Burton Reads is back! March 12, 2020 1 minute readHere’s a podcast recommendation for you: LeVar Burton Reads....
Audiobook Excerpt from "Apples Never Fall" by Liane Moriarty September 14, 2021 2 minute readFrom Liane Moriarty, the #1 New...
4 Ways Good Stories Move Us December 22, 2016 3 minute readWhat’s your favorite book and why? The questions are...
Crime Word Origins: From ‘Whodunit’ to ‘Cliffhanger’ If you came of age reading mystery or detective novels, you've probably come...
Writing Dual POVs August 25, 2016 4 minute readOne of the most important decisions authors make when they embark on...
Writing a Novel with 300 Other Writers? Can You Imagine the Editing Nightmare? By Ashley Dodge, assistant to Grammar Girl...
Yes, You Can Still Write Your First Novel January 9, 2020 1 minute readIn the words of Mike Land, "Have...