How Understanding 'Toy Story' Can Help You Get into College July 9, 2015 5-minute readThree words that could get you...
How to Write Great Dialogue December 15, 2016 4 minute readDialogue plays a crucial role in writing; it can make...
How to Write an Analytical Essay in 4 Easy Steps October 11, 2017 3 minute readWriting an analytical essay takes...
How to Write a Standout Cover Letter in 5 Steps Here is how to write a cover letter that will...
How to Write a Sentence [Infographic] This wonderful infographic from Marcia Riefer Johnston's Writing.Rocks website could make you think about...
How to Write a Good Topic Sentence September 22, 2016 3 minute readNext time you’re staring at a blank screen...
How to Write a Compelling Introductory Paragraph August 3, 2017 3 minute readHaving trouble coming up with essay starters? Guest...
How to Write a Case Study in 5 Steps Five simple steps designed to take you from your pre-writing preparation...
How to Write a Bestseller Even If You Failed English Class By Mignon Fogarty Grammar Girl October 29, 2015 4...
How to Survive the Rejection of Your Children's Book Rejection from publishers may be inevitable, but it doesn't have to...
How to Prepare for Essay Exams During Finals Keep these tips in mind when faced with an essay exam this...
How to Peer Edit an Essay October 27, 2016 3 minute readEveryone needs an editor, even the most successful authors,...