Rock or Alien Probe? The Science Behind ‘Oumuamua There's a mysterious rock traveling through our solar system, and it's making...
Retractions in Science What happens when a mistake is found in a published research article? Ask Science takes a look...
Rename It, Reuse It March 14, 2013 2 minute readDoes naming things limit our creativity? Research suggests so. Amy Mayer...
Should I Get a Real or Fake Christmas Tree? 4 Helpful Tips What is the best choice for the environment—pine...
Real-Life Zombies A zombie takeover is science fiction, right? Well, it turns out some zombies already exist in nature and...
5 Real-Life Monsters to Fuel Your Nightmares October 28, 2019 6-minute readMonsters aren't just the stuff of Hollywood horror movies....
Can Science Explain Our Obsession With Pumpkin Spice? When fall arrives, so do all things pumpkin spice. But why do...
How an Idea Becomes a Published Scientific Paper How do you go from an idea to a scientific paper? Ask...
Proxima B: 5 Things You Need to Know About the New Earth-Like Planet August 30, 2016 5-minute readA new Earth-like...
Protein Power: Translation In Part 3 of this series on DNA, Ask Science explains how our cells take instructions from...
Protein Power: Transcription Ask Science looks at different kinds of RNA and how our cells use them to make proteins....
Protein Power: DNA vs. RNA This week, Ask Science begins looking at how proteins are made and what they're good...