Ask the Diva: Does Balsamic Vinegar Contain Lead? Certain types of balsamic vinegar may contain more lead than others. Find...
Ask the Diva: Does Alcohol Cause Breast Cancer? October 19, 2012 1 minute readNutrition Diva answers a reader's question about...
Ask the Diva: Do Pregnant Vegetarians Get Enough Nutrients? If you're a vegetarian and become pregnant, should you change your...
Ask the Diva: Is Deli Turkey Healthier than Packaged Turkey? Nutrition Diva explains the differences between freshly sliced deli turkey...
Ask the Diva: Is Dehydrated Fruit Good for You? Is dehydrated fruit good for you? Nutrition Diva discusses whether or...
Ask the Diva: Can Your Diet Be Too LOW in Salt? Nutrition Diva explains when you should worry about dangerously...
Ask the Diva: Can You Get Too Much Vitamin A from Vegetables? Is it possible to actually overdose on vitamin...
Ask the Diva: Can You Get Too Much Fiber? July 22, 2010 1 minute readQ. I get about 50g of...
Ask the Diva: Can a Macrobiotic Diet Help Treat Cancer? July 26, 2012 2 minute readMiracle cures for cancer are...
Ask the Diva: Can Choline Help with ADD? Nutrition Diva suggests some alternate sources of choline and discusses whether they can really help....
Ask the Diva: Can Beets Lower Blood Pressure? Nutrition Diva explains the blood pressure-lowering benefits of certain vegetables with nitrates....
Ask the Diva: Can Apricot Pits Prevent Cancer? Nutrition Diva discusses whether apricot pits are a natural cancer therapy. By...