Is Excessive Moderation the Key to Fitness? Get-Fit-Guy's guest, Tom Holland, embraces the philosophy of “excessive moderation.” Could it be...
Is Endurance Exercise Really Good For You? February 23, 2013 2 minute readIs long, low intensity exercise better than short,...
Drop Sets Are the Secret to Building Muscle Fast At its base, a drop set is simply a technique where...
What is the New Science of Sport? After reading his new book, Peak: The New Science of Athletic Performance That...
Double Your Calorie Burn July 26, 2013 1 minute readWouldn't it be nice if you could double the calorie burn...
Doping v. Genetics: What Caused Lance Armstrong’s Success? Was Lance Armstrong's superior performance the result of drug use? By Ben...
Don't Let Overeating Make You Fat During this holiday season, you're very likely to eat a lot of heavy, fatty...
Don't Ignore Your Core Everyone is talking about core strength. But you won't get it by doing thousands of crunches....
Don't Dismiss Walking October 24, 2018 3 minute readCan you walk your way to fitness? Sure! It can help you maintain mobility,...
Does Your Heel Ache? 7 Ways to Treat Plantar Fasciitis Plantar fasciitis is one of the most common causes of...
Does Your Footfall Really Matter? August 18, 2017 3 minute readRunners of all shapes, sizes, and levels of proficiency have...
Does Yoga Burn Calories? September 20, 2011 5 minute readLearn whether yoga is good for weight loss and how yoga...