Author: Bruce and Jeanne Lubin
Bruce Lubin and Jeanne Bossolina-Lubin are the proud parents of three boys and more than a dozen books. After saving thousands per year using everyday tips and simple lifehacks, they started their own business in the hopes of sharing their knowledge with others. They have been known to go into their friends' refrigerators to turn their eggs upside down so that they last longer.
If you live in an area where snakes are common, chances are high that at some point, you may have walked out into your yard to find an unwelcome guest! Many people are afraid of snakes, and it can be hard to think clearly when these pests appear on your doorstep. So this week, we’re here to share four handy tips to keep snakes away from your home so that you and your kids can rest easy. Use the hose Make your own snake repellent Break out the condiments A hairy solution How to chase a snake away If you…
Using a Sponge to Get Rid of Pet Hair To get pet hair off of couches or other upholstery, use a clean, dry kitchen sponge. Just run it slowly across the couch and the fur will cling to it! Problem solved. Rubber Glove Pet Hair Trick Another easy way to get fur off of furniture is with a pair of rubber gloves. Instead of using them while washing dishes, pull them on and rub your hands over the couch (or whatever else needs de-furring) to pull up the hair. The surface of the gloves creates tension with the surface of…
Here are eight things you should keep away from your cat to lessen the chance of him hurting himself—or worse. If your cat does ingest a dangerous substance, call the Pet Poison Helpline right away at 1-800-213-6680. (And for things to keep away from dogs, make sure to check out our 20 Things You Should Never Feed Your Dog article.) Antifreeze Antifreeze and rust removers contain an ingredient called Ethylene Glycol, which has a sweet smell that is sometimes enticing to cats. If they ingest it they can be poisoned, so keep these products where your cat can’t get to them,…
Dogs love eating people food, and with those adorable “feed me, I’m starving” eyes they make, sometimes it’s hard to resist tossing them a few scraps. But feeding your dog the wrong thing can lead to his death! So study up on this list before you let Fido snarf your snack, and if you’re worried about something your dog has eaten, call the ASPCA Poison Control Center at 888-426-4235. Related: 8 Household Items That Could Kill Your Cat Avocados Avocados make their own fungicide, called persin. Pretty cool, huh? But dogs are allergic to it (and some humans, too), so don’t let…