Scrabble lovers know that the game’s all-too-often elusive prize is the bingo—when a player uses all seven tiles at once to make a word. Our friends at prepared this list of relatively common seven- and eight-letter words with high point totals. The fact that these words are somewhat familiar should make memorizing them that much easier, and your next game of Scrabble that much more winnable. [Note: All point totals include the 50-point bonus for using all the tiles.] quixotic (76 points) not sensible about practical matters; idealistic and unrealistic maximize (78 points) make as big or large as…
1. indispensable absolutely necessary; vitally necessary “You need to arrive early, stay late, you need to make yourself indispensable — you should also probably get rid of those Facebook photos of you passed out on Bourbon Street.” —Anderson Cooper, Tulane University 2. untouchable beyond the reach of criticism or attack or impeachment “Do what you really love to do and if you don’t know quite what that is yet, well, keep searching, because if you find it, you’ll bring that something extra to your work that will help ensure you will not be automated or outsourced. It will help make you…