How to Save for Retirement on Less Income
Get 6 tips to save for retirement and have a happy future—even on less income.
Laura Adams, MBA
Andrea J. asks:
How can I possibly save for retirement when I can’t keep up with my bills? I’m over 50 years old and barely have any money set aside. I’m surviving on a low income and am scared that I’ll never have enough for the future. What advice can you give me?
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Unfortunately, Andrea’s situation is common. Almost half of Americans aren’t saving anything for retirement. Whether you’re struggling because you have low income or high expenses, it’s time to start thinking strategically about how to save for retirement.
Here are 6 ways to ensure that you’ll have a secure financial future:
Tip #1: Earn More
Getting a second job, doing freelance work, or creating a home businesscan be the key to having enough to cover your current obligations and save for retirement.
Speak to your boss about the possibility of getting a promotion. Consider doing seasonal work. Get training for a more lucrative career. Talk to people who are earning more or who have jobs that you want and find out what’s involved.
Additionally, your future Social Security retirement income is based on your top career earnings. So, beefing up your total annual income now means you’ll also get more retirement benefits in the future.
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Tip #2: Cut Expenses Ruthlessly
The majority of Americans say they don’t keep a budget or really know where their money goes. You can’t improve what you don’t measure, so it’s very important to track your expenses carefully.
You can monitor your budget the old-fashioned way by writing your income and expenses in a journal. Many people use budget planning spreadsheetsor computer software. There are even free financial appsthat help you create and monitor a budget on the go.
Once you see how you spend money, find ways to severely cut back (whether it’s bringing lunch from home, or buying fewer clothes and shoes). Those savings can grow into a healthy retirement account.
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Tip #3: Eliminate Expensive Debt
Having high-interest debt is expensive and leaves you less to put away for retirement. Start by making a list of your debts, including the outstanding balances and interest rates.
Pay off your highest interest debts first—such as payday loans or credit cards—so you can save the most. You can use the savings to pay off your debt faster or put the money in a retirement account.
Remember that you should always pay as much as possible on credit card balances each month. If you’re just making the minimum payments, you’re making the card company rich instead of building wealth for yourself.
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Tip #4: Use Tax-Advantaged Retirement Accounts
If you’re lucky enough to have an employer that offers a retirement plan and matches contributions, don’t take it for granted. Always contribute enough to max out the match—otherwise you’re leaving free money on the table.
Contributions to workplace plans—like a 401(k) or 403(b)—are tax deductible, which means they reduce the amount of tax you owe. If you don’t have a job with a retirement plan or you’re self-employed, you can get excellent tax benefits with a traditional IRAor Roth IRA.
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Tip #5: Make Saving Automatic
Even if you can only set aside a few dollars a month, put your retirement savings on auto-pilot. When money is automatically transferred from your paycheck or checking account into a retirement account before you can spend it, odds are you’ll be more successful.
You can always reduce or increase the savings amount later. But go ahead and get your accounts set up now and put a retirement savings plan into motion.
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Tip #6: Consider an Alternative Retirement
If you can’t save any money for retirement, you’ll be forced to work longer or to live on Social Security benefits.
However, if you’re willing to retire outside of the U.S., there are many places where you can live a comfortable or even luxurious lifestyle on a smaller income. Over half a million retirees are enjoying an alternative retirement overseas, where you can still receive Social Security payments. Yes, this is a bit outside the box, but it might be a good option to consider.
Related Content: How to Retire Early and in Style—Without a Fortune!
Accumulating enough for a safe and happy retirement can be challenging. Start thinking about your financial needs sooner rather than later—and reach out for professional help when you need it.
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Retirement Sign Post from Shutterstock