10 Ways to Beat the Winter Blahs
Don’t let the gray, drab days of winter get you down. Mighty Mommy has 10 ways to get you inspired and beat the winter blahs.
If the , we only have a few more weeks until spring finally arrives.
Though that sounds promising, there are still plenty of cold, bleak days left before we see crocuses and tulips in full bloom. If you’re feeling like you might go stir crazy waiting for the warm and sunny days of spring to arrive, here are 10 ways you and your family can shake things up and beat the winter blahs.
Tip #1: Start Fresh and Declutter Your Home
I sheepishly confess that decluttering is a secret passion of mine. Before the great outdoor weather arrives, take the time to get rid of all the “clap trap” you and your family have been accumulating in closets, drawers, the toy room, under the bed, and anyplace else you lovingly “stick” things. I started with my make-up drawer, my clothing armoire, jewelry box, and my big, roomy purses. Tackle one space at a time, and you will eventually be clutter free! Check out my colleague !
Tip #2: Create an Indoor Drive-in Movie
Sit down with your family and make a list of 3 – 5 movies you’ve been wanting to see or watch again. Create a fun menu of movie treats such as pigs in a blanket, corn on the cob, ice cream shakes, and of course, popcorn, and have a summery picnic in your family room as you sit, munch, and watch a double feature.
Tip #3: Redecorate/Refurbish
Maybe your daughter’s bureau could be freshened up with a coat of bright ? Or take it one step further and stencil flowers on the front of the drawers for a little extra personality. Maybe your could use an update? Find a flea market table and create a one-of-a-kind game table for your kid’s playroom. Paint is an easy way to add color and life to dreary winter days.
Tip #4: Visit the Library
If you haven’t found the time to pick up a great book and curl up with some hot tea or a glass of Cabernet, this is the perfect time to head to the library and check out a good read. We often forget what an amazing resource our local libraries are because we get caught up with the daily grind (and all those electronic devices don’t help). There’s nothing like turning the pages of a book to take you away to another place and time. When you visit the library you can become instantly refreshed for free.
Tip #5: Practice Random Acts of Kindness
When’s the last time someone did something unexpectedly wonderful for you or your family? Most people tend to feel a little blah during the winter months, so why not find a way to brighten someone’s day with a random act that will make them smile? Leave a plate of freshly-baked cookies for the staff at your child’s school, or the next time you’re in the drive-thru at your favorite coffee shop, put a dollar or two towards the car behind you. They’ll get an unexpected surprise. Think outside the box. It needn’t be much — just enough to make someone smile — which in turn is going to really perk you up this winter.
Tip #6: Take Someone Other than Your Sweetheart on a Date
The doldrums of winter are the perfect time to take your child, a co-worker, an acquaintance, or even your parents out on a date. Head to your favorite bakery for a cup of tea and a warm brownie, or pick your child up at school as a surprise and go bowling or for ice cream. Taking the time to show the people in your life that you care enough to spend 1:1 time with them will make them feel warm inside even though it’s cold on the outside.
Tip #7: Finish One Thing You’ve Been Putting Off
We all have a list of “could’ve, should’ves” so why not take a drab winter day and finish something you’ve been wanting to do? This could be anything from working on your child’s baby book, to getting your favorite photos framed, to mailing overdue thank you notes, updating your recipes, hanging your child’s artwork, or anything else you’ve been meaning to do. Whatever it might be, the late days of winter are a great time to complete some unfinished business.
Tip #8: Learn a New Skill
If you’re stuck indoors, why not expand your horizons and learn something new? A new language, perhaps; or how to make bread from scratch; or how to – learning a new skill can feel victorious on a dank winter day. Don’t leave the kids out, either. If your children have been asking to try a new hobby, such as getting active at a trampoline center or building robotics, this might be the perfect time to let them explore their creative side.
Tip #9: Create Your Vision Board
A vision board is a large presentation board where you can pin images of things that make you smile, feel great, laugh, or inspire. is a virtual vision board and it’s a great place to get started. Pinterest lets you organize and share all the beautiful things you find on the web. People use pin boards to plan their weddings, , and organize their favorite recipes for free. Visit my family-friendly boards at Pinterest.com/MightyMommyQDT.
Tip #10: Make a Change in Your Life
Take a close look at your life and make at least one change. Rearrange the furniture in your kid’s room or your living room. Get a sassy new haircut. Make a tasty new you’ve never had before. Serve hot tea one night at dinner for the whole family. Buy cozy, flannel sheets. Doesn’t matter how big or small, as long as the change deviates from your standard . Think outside the box and come up with one simple or elaborate change that will make you and your loved ones stop and take notice.
What do you do to beat the winter blahs? Please share your thoughts in the comment section or post your ideas on the Mighty Mommy Facebook page. You can also connect with me on Twitter @MightyMommy or e-mail me at mommy@quickanddirtytips.com.
Please check back next week for more parenting tips and until next time…happy parenting!
Family Watching a Movie, Mother and Daughter at the Library and Father-Daughter Ice Cream Date images from Shutterstock