10 Hacks to Keep Your Toilet Clean
The toilet is likely one of the most-visited spots in your home — keep this popular area clean with these ten easy hacks.
Clean your toilet while you sleep
To remove hard-water deposits in your toilet bowl, pour 1 cup of white vinegar into the bowl and allow it to sit for several hours or overnight before scrubbing.
Whiten toilet bowls
Forget the nasty chemicals and overpowering scents! You can use ½ cup lemon juice in your toilet bowl to deodorize and remove stains naturally. Let it sit for several minutes before scrubbing clean.
Looking for more creative uses for lemons? Check out Domestic CEO’s guide to Using Lemons to Clean Your Home
Remove toilet stains
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The tannins in tea can help lift any stubborn stains. Tannins also have antimicrobial properties. To take advantage, just leave some brewed tea in the toilet bowl for several minutes to several hours (depending on the severity of the stains). Then brush the bowl, and flush the stains away.
Make your bowl smile
For a cheap and easy way to clean your toilet, use mouthwash. Just as it cleans away germs in your mouth, it will do the same in your toilet bowl. Pour 1 capful into the bowl, leave for 10 to 15 minutes, and wipe clean with your toilet brush.
Reach under the rim
Clearing away dirt and deposits under the rim can be tricky. But a smart tool can help. Purchase a package of those cotton coils used for perms (you can find them at a beauty supply store). Soak the coil in a basin with vinegar. You might want to do this right in the shower to avoid drips. Then stuff the toilet’s rim with the coil. Allow the vinegar to work on the stains overnight, then remove and throw away the coil, and flush the toilet to rinse.
Speedy toilet-cleaning relief
To make this nasty chore easier on your gag reflex, drop two Alka-Seltzer tablets into the bowl twice a week. After 15 minutes, swipe around the bowl with a toilet brush. Your toilet will be spotless!
A fizzy denture tablet works well for this hack, too.
Take soda to the can
Cola contains phosphoric acid, which can lift stubborn stains such as rust. That makes it a good toilet cleaner: Pour the cola directly into the bowl, leave it for an hour, and then flush.
Lift with lemonade mix
Instant lemonade mixes like Kool-Aid contain citric acid, which works great to battle mineral deposits. Sprinkle the powder around your toilet bowl, let sit for a minute or two, then scrub with a toilet brush.
Trick to dry that toilet brush
We all know it’s gross to stick that brush back into the holder wet. But what’s the solution? Close the seat on top of the brush’s handle so it’s sandwiched and secure, with the brush in position to drip-dry over the toilet bowl. Come back for it later when it’s dry and ready to stash away with much less ick.
You can also add a little mouthwash to the toilet brush holder to help fight germs while the brush is in storage.
Protect TP Rolls
If your toddler or fur baby likes to unroll or shred your toilet paper, you’re not alone. Simply slipping a rubber band around the roll will keep it safe from curious hands and paws.