15 Fun Facts About…Tech Talker
QDT is pulling back the curtain to reveal fascinating facts about each of our experts. This week, 15 things you didn’t know about Tech Talker, Eric Escobar.
One thing you don’t know about me is…
I’m a beekeeper and a professional computer hacker.
The weirdest reader/listener email I’ve ever gotten was…
One guy emailed to ask me how he could break into his girlfriend’s email account.
The strangest pet/animal I’ve ever owned was…
Bees, chicks, and a hamster.
A weird phobia I have is…
The dark. Not just a dark room but the dark dark, like an open closet in a dark room.
The book I’m reading right now is…
Game of Thrones
I volunteer as…
A tech slave to friends, family, and random strangers.
Other than technology, I like to learn about…
Permaculture, homesteading, and…rockets.
If I had a super power I would like to…
My favorite food or restaurant is…
Me-N-Ed’s pizza with double pepperoni and olives (I had this at my wedding).
My worst habit is…
I chew on everything.
When I wake up in the morning, the first thing I do is…
Lift my cat off of me.
My favorite social media platform is…
None. They all mine and steal your data. *Gasp!*
The weirdest place I’ve ever recorded or written a podcast is…
My mom’s closet
The famous person I’d most like to have lunch with is…
Taylor Swift (living), Stephen Hawking (living), and Albert Einstein (dead)
The one thing I would tell my 20-year-old self is…
Take the red pill.
Tune in next week for another installment in the fun facts series when we learn the 12 things you didn’t know about Savvy Psychologist, Dr. Ellen Hendriksen.