4 Tips to Control Hall Closet Havoc
This year, get organized by controlling your hall closet havoc with these tried and true hacks from Home Depot’s Kerrie Kelly.
For several homeowners and renters, now is a time of transition. Summer and fall are waning and winter is revving up, which means we’re stuffing our sandals and beach towels into the closet and hoping our boots and coats are tucked in there somewhere. Transitioning out of the warmer months is a perfect time to clean and reorganize your space, especially the workhorse closets you’ve been meaning to conquer. We’re here to help you tackle that task with some tips for making sense of your space from a design perspective.
Resolve to Get Organized
Often the hardest part of any endeavor, especially those that involve cleaning, is simply to start. To truly gain control of your closet havoc, you must first resolve to get it done. Begin by emptying your closet of everything. Halloween decorations, old gym shoes, the broken umbrella you’ve been meaning to toss—everything must come out.
Next, sort your things into piles:
- The “Everyday” pile is for the items you reach for on a daily basis.
- The “Someday” pile is for the clothes, accessories, or extras you’ve been meaning to wear or use.
- The “Never” pile is for the things you’ve never used that are only hindering your ability to stay organized every season.
Once you’ve organized your clutter into these piles, the next step can begin.
Sort Again
Take a deep breath, look at your piles and resolve to clean a bit more. Dig deep and decide if you really need that sweater or if those vacuum attachments have ever really been used. If it doesn’t immediately bring you joy or serve a purpose, place it in the “Never” pile and then move onto the next item. The key here is to not dwell too long on any one item. Repeat to yourself that you are aiming for a clean and clutter-free 2017, starting with the closet.
Deep Clean
Now that you’ve decided what stays and what goes, it’s time to give your “Everyday” pile a fresh start. Vacuum the carpet in and around the closet, fix broken shelves or apply a new coat of paint. Whatever you need to do to inspire yourself to stay clean and organized should be done now. Once the space is clean, your “Everyday” pile can be added back into the closet in a more uniform and organized way.
Don’t forget about floor space—whether you’re organizing or cleaning. “Line up shoes under your clothes or invest in a shoe rack to neatly store your favorite kicks,” note the cleaning experts at Maids.com. “Remember to regularly vacuum the floor of your closet. It is a space commonly missed when the door is shut.”
Extra Touches
Sometimes when we’re cleaning and decluttering, we’ll reward ourselves with something to keep us inspired to stay organized throughout the year. Treat yourself to a new shelving unit, new storage bins, a set of pretty hangers or a new laundry basket to help maintain a clean closet and organized lifestyle. Lastly, pat yourself on the back for a job well done and set your sights on your next home project!
What are some steps that you take to control your hall closet havoc?
Creating open, decluttered spaces is a cornerstone of Kerrie Kelly’s design firm, Kerrie Kelly Design Lab. Kerrie regularly makes organizational recommendations that fit all people with all types of homes and storage needs. Kerrie is an award-winning interior designer and she also writes for The Home Depot.