7 Keyboard Shortcuts for Macs
Tired of your clunky mouse or a slow, difficult to navigate trackpad? This week, Tech Talker shows you 7 easy keyboard shortcuts for the Apple OS system to help you navigate your computer quickly and efficiently.
Last week I talked about some awesome time-saving shortcuts for PC (Windows) users.
As promised, in this week’s episode, I’ll be covering 7 equally awesome keyboard shortcuts for Mac users that will help you navigate your OS system with speed and efficiency.
Again, I’d like to point out that if you’re a Windows user, you should stick around. You never know when you might need to use an Apple product, or when a friend or family member might need help with one. Who knows?
This episode could help make you a hero!
Before we begin, we need to locate the “Command” key that we’ll use for a ton of these shortcuts. This key is very similar to the “Windows” key from last week, and is specific to Apple products. You can find this key by looking at the bottom left corner of your keyboard. It’s the key with the pretzel/clover symbol on it.
See also: Pogue’s Basics: Tech Shortcuts to Improve Your Life
Tip #1: Quitting an Application [Command+Q]
This shortcut is super simple, but extremely powerful. Use “Command+Q” to quit any application that you’re currently in. No need to use your mouse or trackpad to hunt and peck that application’s “x” button.
Alternatively, if the application you are currently in gets stuck, you can force it to close by using the “Command+Option+Shift+Escape” shortcut.
You might think, “Four keys seem like a lot to get something to close!” Let’s face it—forcing an application to quit is probably something that shouldn’t be done accidentally. So the developers don’t make it easy on purpose. Though somehow, whenever my cat sits on my keyboard, she seems to know that magical combination.
Tip #2: Spotlight Search [Command+Spacebar]
Finding a program or file on your computer can take time. You have to open a Finder window and dig through your folders to look for it. However, with Spotlight search, you can quickly and easily search for any file or program on your system.
Simply Press “Command+Spacebar” and start typing.
If you’re like me and you’re frequently looking for something on your computer, the Spotlight search is super useful. This shortcut is very similar to the Windows key search and saves a bunch of time!
Tip #3: Cycle Through Open Applications [Command+Tab]
If you’re a multi-tasker who always has a bunch of windows open (music, web browsing, word processing, email, etc.), then this shortcut is indispensable. It allows you to cycle through all of your open applications to find the one you’re looking for.
Simply hold “Command” and press “Tab” to easily thumb through all of your open apps. Release your fingers when you’ve found what you want, and voila!
Once again, this will allow you to keep your fingers at your keyboard and avoid that pesky mouse/trackpad that likes to suck away your time and efficiency!
Tip #4: Screenshot [Command+Shift+3 or Command+Shift+4]
Have you ever wanted to take a picture of your screen? I do this pretty frequently. Sending a picture of what you’re looking at can really help explain things.
Simply press “Command+Shift+3” and it will take a picture of your entire screen and save it to your desktop. This way you can simply attach it to an email, document, or anywhere you need it!
You can also press “Command+Shift+4” to select a specific area that you want to take a screenshot of. This is useful for grabbing a specific window or example area without getting everything else that’s hanging out on your desktop or open in the background.
Tip #5: Minimize the Current Window [Command+M]
This is another super simple shortcut. Pressing “Command+M” will minimize the current window instantly. Helpful, in case that special someone sneaks up behind you as you’re ordering their birthday present online.
Minimize all of your application windows with “Command+Option+M” and return to the desktop. This is valuable if you’re at work and you’re a secret Taylor Swift fan like me, searching for the latest gossip.
Who am I kidding? That’s no secret!
Tip #6: Quick Shutdown [Command+Option+Control+Eject]
This is one of my favorite shortcuts and it’s for Apple users only. Pressing “Command+Option+Control+Eject” allows you to instantly shut down your computer.
Be careful with this one! When I say instantly, I mean instantly.
This is great if you need to quickly close out and turn off your computer because you realized that your bus is at the stop and about to pull away!
Another very similar shortcut, “Command+Control+Eject” will immediately reboot your Mac. Once again, be careful with these shortcuts. They will start immediately, and won’t give you an option to save or exit any applications you have open.
Tip #7: Delete Key [Control+D]
One of the hardest things about OS X for me, as a primary Windows user, is the Delete key on the Apple keyboard. It’s pretty deceiving because the Delete key is in the exact same spot, and performs the same function, as the Backspace key in Windows.
This is all well and good until I try to delete forward rather than back!
For that, simply press “Control+D” to mimic the Windows Delete key functionality. This one took me a while to figure out, but it’s extremely helpful if you’re transitioning from the PC world to Apple products!
That’s all for now. If you want a massive, comprehensive list of more keyboard shortcuts, check out this link.
I want to know what keyboard shortcuts you use! Let me know by commenting on the episode of this podcast or on the Tech Talker Facebook page!
Well, that’s it for today! Be sure to check out all my earlier episodes at quickanddirtytips techtalker. If you have further questions about this podcast or want to make a suggestion for a future episode, post them on Facebook QDTtechtalker.
Until next time, I’m the Tech Talker, keeping technology simple!
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