Are You Better In Person?
Jeb Blount teaches you how to use the phone to fill your sales pipeline.
Are You Better In Person?
My Manager is always trying to get me to use the phone for prospecting. I’m terrible on the phone and I’ve tried to explain to him that I’m much better in person. What do you think about this?
David, I’m positive that you are not going to like my answer on this one: I’m in absolute agreement with your manager. Though I have no doubt that you are better in person at interacting with prospects and closing deals, the telephone is hands down the most effective way to build a winning pipeline.
Prospecting Over the Phone
Yes prospecting on the telephone is scary, frustrating, boring, and laced with rejection. And being out on the street face to face with prospects building relationships, presenting solutions, and winning deals is way more fun. But winning deals is first about finding opportunities. And to find opportunities you must prospect.
Prospecting is about volume. It is about uncovering qualified opportunities worth your time and effort. That means digging through a lot of dirt before you find gold. The more you prospect, the higher the probability that you will keep your pipeline full of viable opportunities. Because prospecting is in many ways a numbers game, it makes sense to use the most effective method for contacting lots of prospects. And the most efficient, cost effective way I know is the telephone.
Why Prospecting Over the Phone is Necessary
Think about it this way: How many prospects could you see face to face in a two hour period? Even on the busiest city street, 20 would be a stretch. In most territories, with travel time and parking, it would be closer to 10.
Now, take those same two hours on the phone with a prospect list produced from your CRM. How many phone calls could you make in two hours? Averaging 1 -2 minutes per call, you could make 60 – 120 calls. So if you are touching 120 prospects vs.10, which do you think would yield better results. The answer is an obvious no-brainer.
Become More Comfortable on the Phone
The key for you is getting more comfortable using the phone as a prospecting tool. Here are a few suggestions:
Role play. How many Broadway plays do you think open without conducting a dress rehearsal? Practice is essential for mastering the phone. Role playing with your sales manager or a peer will help you become more comfortable and effective at telephone prospecting.
Schedule yourself. Set up daily phone blocks of no more than 2 hours. For those 2 hours, turn off your email and your cell phone and set clear goals for yourself on how many calls you want to make, and what information you want to gain. KEEP this appointment with yourself no matter what — this is critical for your success.
Have fun. You are likely a competitive, creative person. If you weren’t, you wouldn’t be in sales in the first place. Set up challenges for yourself. One of my favorite things to do (and yes this sounds weird) is counting “nos.” I set goals for how many “nos” I can get in a day. Over the years I have come up with a number of little games I use to keep it fun. I’m sure you can do the same.
The bottom line is the telephone is an essential tool for Sales Professionals and the excuse that you are “better in person” is an unfortunate cop-out that is holding you back from real success. I will make this promise though. If you let go of your fear and use the phone you will work less, sell more, and increase your income by at least 20%. Guaranteed.
This is Jeb Blount, the Sales Guy. If you have a sales question please send it to salesguy@quickanddirtytips.comcreate new email.