Currant or Current?
Mignon Fogarty
A currant is a fruit similar to a raisin. In the 14th century, farmers in a Greek town called Corauntz exported these raisins to other European cities, and the fruit became known as raisins of Corauntz (or sometimes raisins of Corinth) and eventually simply as currants.
Certain it is that scandal is good brisk talk, whereas praise of one’s neighbour is by no means lively hearing. An acquaintance grilled, scored, devilled, and served with mustard and cayenne pepper excites the appetite; whereas a slice of cold friend with currant jelly is but a sickly, unrelishing meat. — William Makepeace Thackeray, Victorian English writer
Current has many meanings. As an adjective, it has to do with time or prevalence. As a noun, it is something that flows, such as water in a river or electricity along a wire.
But human experience is usually paradoxical, that means incongruous with the phrases of current talk or even current philosophy. — George Eliot, Victorian English writer
Quick and Dirty Tip: Currant ends with ant, and ants eat food.
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