Follow the Leader: Driving Etiquette
The manners of leading and following in cars.
Sometimes I just don’t know where I’m going in life– or maybe I just don’t know where I’m going in the Manners Mobile, so I need to follow someone. That’s what I would like to discuss today. Manners for leading and following someone while driving.
Driving Etiquette
Well, if you have to get in the car and you have someone following you to your destination, there are some things you should keep in mind. For the sake of argument, let’s say you, your friends, and another carload of people are headed to the zoo. When your job goes from “getting to the zoo” to “getting everyone else to the zoo,” the stakes are raised and attention and care need to be taken to ensure your success. Success is crucial when failure means spending the majority of your time at the zoo getting your lost friends to said zoo instead of incorrectly making baboon noises at the gorillas.
If You’re the Lead Driver
So, what steps should one take when leading with one’s car?
Step 1:Make sure the other driver knows what kind of car you have and, conversely, make sure you know what the other car looks like.
Step 2: Do not secretly change cars during the trip. Though that would be funny, it would also be counterproductive.
Step 3: Make sure the driver following you has a general understanding of where you are both going, an idea of the rough travel time, and basic information on what to look for along the way. Since you don’t need to give them directions, simply make sure he or she is aware of any quick action that might need to be taken or any major landmarks that might help with comfort level.
Leading, Not Leaving
These next few tips don’t really need to be followed in order as much as they just need to be followed by the leader. The leader should maintain a safe and consistent speed. Keep up with the speed limit but consciously keep yourself from going too quickly. Remember that you know where you are going and can easily fall into your pattern and zip right off. Check your mirrors every few seconds to make sure you are leading and not leaving.
A consistent speed can help you with traffic lights as the other party should be fairly close. Don’t rush up to an intersection. Be patient. That way should a light turn yellow, you will both either be able to stop easily or make it safely through the intersection without running the light. If the person following you is far enough back that he may possibly not make a light, slow a little when approaching the intersection in anticipation of the light changing.
The last little bit of this comes into play if none of the preparation pays off and the second driver is actually stopped by the light. Go ahead and find a safe place on the side of the road or in a parking lot to stop and wait for the other car.
Sending Signals
Most routes are not very cut and dry. Many times there are multiple lane changes or someone just going slow and impeding your progress. Try to telegraph any turns or lane changes with your blinker. Turn that blinker on when you have barely even thought about making your move. That will help the other driver be able to plan his or her own move. Action taken at the last minute will usually put everyone in the second car in danger. The more lead time you can give– the better. Just be sure to keep things minimal. Trying to zip around any car that might be in your way could send the wrong signals to the person following you. They could get in the wrong lane while trying to keep up, and completely miss an exit or a turn.
Ferocious Following
There are also some things you as the follower can do to keep yourself on the right track and make things easier on the lead car.
Keep a safe distance, but make an effort to keep up. There is no need to speed, but the threat of stoplights should keep you within at least three or so car lengths of the leader.
You should also minimize distractions in your car. Someone chattering in your ear or a loud radio might be the difference between you arriving at your destination on time and a poor traffic decision that causes you to arrive at the police station instead. If you have a passenger who is distracting you, calmly request that they hold their conversation until you all reach your destination. “I hate to ask this, but could you hold on to that thought until we get to the party? I want to concentrate on the conversation, but I’m afraid I’ll get us lost.”
And try to read the signals of the person you are following. Be cautious but don’t delay lane changes. Also, when on a highway or interstate, you can use your vehicle to facilitate a hassle free trip. When your leader turns on his or her blinker, you can take it upon yourself to safely move to the projected lane in order to clear an area into which the leader may merge.
Sticking with these simple rules and using a little common sense can build trust between leader and follower and bond the two into a formidable convoy.
Thanks for listening to The Modern Manners Guy’s Quick and Dirty Tips for a More Polite Life.
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