Foot-in-Mouth Syndrome
Modern Manners Guy’s advice on how to recover from making an unintionally offensive comment.
Richie Frieman
Q: I’m one of those people who suffer from “foot-in-mouth syndrome.” Whenever I’m in a social situation, I invariably say the wrong thing and come off as offensive. How can I recover from the inappropriate comments that seem to come out of my mouth at will?
A: Your first line of defense should be to own up to your mistake. You may often make it worse by trying to dance around your flub or just leaving it sitting there. Apologize if something came out that was insensitive or unintentionally cruel. Another option is to have a conversation. If you have seriously offended someone, sit down and have a talk with them, as it’s possible there may be other underlying feelings unearthed by your remark. Lastly, use some humor or self-deprecation to show that what you said wasn’t mean spirited. If, for example, you congratulate someone on being pregnant when it turns out she is not, tell her that you’re blind without your glasses and that you failed biology 20 times.
Most importantly, don’t take yourself too seriously. Laugh along with everyone else at your mistake, and if you get a little ribbing, take it in a good-hearted manner.
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