Gift Giving Etiquette
Put the fun back into giving gifts.
With all the wonderful things to be thankful for this holiday season, it’s a shame that giving gifts can cause us so much stress. The economy isn’t helping much, but I’ve got some quick and dirty tips that should get you in the spirit just in time.
Gift Giving Etiquette
A lot of the momentum for this set of tips is going to based on a simple rule of thumb: Gift giving is not about you. Gift giving is about the person who is receiving the gift. If you keep that in mind you will find that–though your job of finding the gift might not be easier–it will certainly be more exciting. Let me explain what I mean by offering a couple of situations.
Can You Give Gift Cards as Gifts?
Your sister has just emailed you and asked for a list of things to get you and your family. The last part of the email includes her list since she just wanted to go ahead and get that out of the way. Listed very prominently at the top spot are gift cards: gift cards for iTunes, movies, and gas stations. You sit and fume as you think about how impersonal and self-serving it is to request a gift card! How dare she!
Before your blow a gasket and need your own auto-repair shop gift card, think of the ways in which you can make the gift more personal. Think about why your sister has asked for this particular gift. Does she like to go to the movies but doesn’t want to ask for cash? Many folks are cutting down on their entertainment budgets lately and would love an excuse to go to a movie. They are far more likely to use a gift card than to spend their hard earned money.
Also, there are a number of businesses that are willing to let you personalize gift cards with your own image. To show how excited you are about giving this gift, you can stick a photo of you and your sister doing the most fun thing you ever did together or, at least, a picture of her with braces and a goofy sweater.
Should You Ask for Gift Receipts for Your Gifts?
I am pretty sure each of us has a family member or friend who, upon receiving a well-thought-out gift, always asks for a gift receipt. He or she might even just go ahead and let you know to include it with the present before you even go shopping. What nerve!
Well, I think it’s time we stopped worrying about our own feelings of frustration and inadequacy when handing over the gift receipt. Gift receipts are not evil. In fact, they are very thoughtful. Imagine your brother or mom standing in the return line trying to exchange their fancy new sweater for a fancy new sweater that fits a little better. He or she might be stuck with a lot of hassle trying to make the return without that receipt.
Gift receipts are not evil. In fact, they are very thoughtful.
Gifts are not about you! A gift should be something that makes the receiver happy– something that conveys your feelings for them and not your feelings for yourself. Gifts are not about you! A gift should be something that makes the receiver happy– something that conveys your feelings for them and not your feelings for yourself. The gift receipt is a way to say “I tried. But if I didn’t get it quite right, here is a handy little do-over slip that will keep us on speaking terms.”
How to Give a Thoughtful Gift
There will be times when you are expected to give a gift to someone. This person may be a boss, a coworker, or a daycare worker. These can be the most taxing gifts because most of us don’t like to be told to give a gift to somebody. Plus, giving gifts should be an outpouring of the heart, right?
These kinds of gifts can still have that warm feeling associated with them. Ask someone who knows the person better than you what you could get. Pay attention to what sports team the person likes. You might even simply ask people if there are small items they have been eyeing but can’t bring themselves to purchase. Then when you shop, bend the cold iron bars back from your heart and think of the reasons you are thankful for that person.
Your joy will be as much a gift to you as it is to the receiver and you will truly know why it is better to give.
Thank you for joining me for another of The Modern Manners Guy’s Quick and Dirty Tips for a More Polite Life.
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