Here’s Why (and How) to Scrap Your Elevator Pitch
Have you ever been advised to create a memorized elevator pitch touting the features and benefits of your products and services? Do you know the best way to deliver an elevator speech? (Hint: it may be not at all!) Maybe it’s time to scrap your elevator speech and rethink how to best professionally introduce yourself.
In business we often hear about the need for an “elevator pitch” or “elevator speech.” You are told: Imagine yourself in an elevator with someone and you only have that short ride to make an impression. The idea is to make a brief statement or speech to gain his or her interest and attention. Being able to deliver a concise, compelling message that gains the attention of each specific person you meet is a tall order.
In fact, when I interviewed Jeremy Donovan, author of How to Deliver a TED Talk, he stated that if you can’t express your message in under twelve words, you don’t know what you’re talking about … and I agree!
Can you express what you do in an interesting way under twelve words? Try it. It’s not as easy as it sounds.
Time invested in thinking about your message is important because the ability to talk about your company in a clear, concise, compelling manner opens the door for further communication and possible collaboration. So what should you include when you are introducing yourself and your products and services? Here are some tips to help you reach this important goal.
What to Include in a Elevator Speech
- How you help people or businesses (think about the value you bring to others—what problem do you solve?)
- Why you’re different or the best (your unique value proposition)
- What methods you use to help (how you do what you do)
- Your full name (and area of expertise if appropriate)
- A call to action (only used in certain instances)
- Client stories (examples of ideal customers)
- Foundation story (why you do what you do)
Most importantly, when you craft your introduction (aka elevator pitch) be sure to craft it from the perspective of the other person. How can you help HIM? How can you make HER job easier or HE work more effective/successful? It’s not about you. That’s key to remember. The focus must be on your conversation partner. If you remember one thing about the perfect elevator speech, remember my advice (which by the way applies to most communication situations): it’s not about YOU, it’s about THEM!
Equally important, is how to give your elevator speech. Most of us will never find ourselves in an elevator with someone who asks, “So, what do you do?” And rarely, if ever, will you have 2-3 uninterrupted minutes to spout off rehearsed messages that we may or may not remember exactly. But we may find ourselves at networking events, social functions, train or plane rides, having conversations. So instead of creating a fixed feature/benefit message you repeat over and over again, the idea then is to create a few short sound bites, anecdotes, and stories for each of the seven elements above. (You’ll need different sound-bites for the different types of people you typically interact with.) Then as the conversation progresses, you’ll incorporate the best messages and stories (you’ve given thought to ahead of time) in a manner that will resonate with that particular conversation partner. It’s a conversation that includes mostly stories with a few facts for credibility and support.
I once attended a networking event with a woman who went from person to person, even to small groups of people chatting happily, and handed her business card to everyone and then delivered the exact same facts about her company. She made the mistake of talking at people, instead of talking with people. They smiled politely and took her card and I’m sure she thought she was being a good networker. I thought she was given poor advice. I was positive she was creating a negative impression (and she wouldn’t get any business as a result). In fact, I overheard several people say they thought she was just being rude. At another event, I saw a woman simply pass her card out to everyone that was left milling around at the end of the event. As I walked out the door, I tossed something into the trash and I noticed several of her business cards.
How and When to Give Your Elevator Speech
Research confirms that we need to start with warmth (a smile, a nod, listening, etc.) because it allows us to establish a connection.
When at a function, or when sitting next to someone for a ride, remember that it’s important to start by making a personal connection. Research confirms that we need to start with warmth (a smile, a nod, listening, etc.) because it allows us to establish a connection. You first have to be liked and trusted before someone will act on your ideas or be influenced by you. The best way to create rapport is through natural conversation that focuses on helping your conversation partner.
By the way, I have written frequently about conversations. In Why You Should Embrace Awkward Small Talk, I explain that small talk opens the door to deeper communication. And in How to Start a Conversation, I give some specific tips to help to start opening that door.
The bottom line: when introducing yourself or your product, you should ditch the pitch and instead have a gradual professional conversation. Stever Robbins, Get-It-Done Guy, gives a great example how to do this in What’s Better than an Elevator Pitch? He suggests when someone asks what you do, you ask a question back. For instance, if you work as an oncology physicist, you can ask if they know someone who received radiation as part of their cancer treatment: “Unfortunately, yes.” Then you say, “As a medical physicist, I work along with the doctors to ensure that the amount and location of the radiation coming from those big machines is extremely accurate so that it is only applied to the tumor and in the exactly the right amount.” That sounds a lot more valuable and personal than “I am an oncology physicist.” It can lead to more conversation and more connection. And that’s always a good thing.
So take the time to develop your introduction sound bites. Determine and develop the best stories that help others understand what you do, why you are different, and why they should work with you. It should be a flexible plan that includes questions, stories, and sincere interest in the other person. Through an engaging conversation, you will express who you are and what you do by focusing on helping the other person. Your results will be much better, and you will look forward to the next train ride or networking event!
Follow Up
Here’s an email I later received:
Thank you for writing “Here’s Why (and How) to Scrap Your Elevator Pitch”. Recently, I attended a networking event and I prepared my elevator pitch several times. During the event, I delivered my pitch and realized that it was utterly useless. Why? After pitching, I was clueless what to speak next. I filled it with lots of “Ahs” and “Ummms”. Most importantly it lowered my confidence. I had to ditch it immediately and then I went ahead with my flow. Afterward, I enjoyed networking and got good connections too. Soon after coming home I started browsing about elevator pitch and I landed onto your website. I experienced something, which you advised on your site. I wish I had read it before. I will keep your information in my mind. Thank you again for writing such a beautiful article. Please let me know if I could be of any help to you. Sincerely, AT
This is Lisa B. Marshall helping you to lead and influence. If you’d like to learn more about compelling communication, I invite you to read my bestselling books, Smart Talk and Ace Your Interview and listen to my other podcast, Smart Talk. As always, your success is my business.