How to Measure Your Twitter Success
Here are some free applications to measure your Twitter power.
Hi there, The Digital Marketer here, ready to help you put the power of the Internet and technology to work for your business.
It is definitely not a secret that I love Twitter, and I’m always looking for ways to better measure how well I’m using it and how effective it is for building my brand and marketing my work.
Here’s a list of apps I’ve used to see how often and how well I’m tweeting:
- Twitter Analyzer. Twitter Analyzer offers statistics of your Twitter usage and ranking. Just enter your Twittername and you’ll see the following:
- A graph of your daily tweets. I range from zero to over 30 on any given day.
- Number of times you’ve retweeted someone.
- Number of times you’ve been retweeted by others.
- Your Reader Reach and Unique Readers Reach based on a multiple of the number of people following your followers which estimates the number of Twitterers exposed to your tweets.
You can also measure how many times you’ve been mentioned on Twitter demonstrating your popularity through the Celeb Meter. These are the most telling stats in terms of how well you’re tweeting and how much others pay attention to and repeat what you say.
Something else you can see through Twitter Analyzer is how many hashtags you tend to use and which ones you use most frequently. You can also view a chart of the top subjects you Tweet about. In my case, I seem to tweet about love and social media most often. Could that be love OF social media?
You can also see the top links you’ve tweeted and which Twitter apps you use the most. I use the Web about 75% of the time to tweet, followed by Tweetie then Tweetburner.
- Tweet Stats. Tweet Stats lets you “graph your tweets.” It does take a few minutes to process but you can save your graph URL and return later if you want. Where Twitter Analyzer looks at daily breakdowns, Tweet Stats gives you monthly aggregate numbers. My average tweeting is 14.3 tweets a day. My heaviest tweeting month was June at over 900 tweets. My tweet density happens in the mornings and Tuesdays are my heaviest tweeting days.
You can also see who you address the most @ replies to and who you retweet most often.
For fun, you can view a Tweet Cloud which shows which keywords are most common in your tweets. My cloud shows Alaska, Twitter and Love to be the most common keywords I use. If you don’t like a cloud view, you can also click a link to create a Wordle, which is a colorful visual layout of your most common keywords.
You can also view a hashtag cloud; my most used hashtags are #140conf which was for the New York City conference about Twitter as well as two BlogHer events.
And I found out I’ve had 958 Twooshes which are tweets with exactly 140 characters.
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- TwitterCounter. If you are looking for followers stats, TwitterCounter can help. You can see your average follower growth per day.
And based on your Twitter follower growth, you can see a prediction of how many followers you will have tomorrow or a month from now. You also get a Twitter rank as compared to the Top 100 Twitterers.
I’m ranking in the 12,000 range right now.
TwitterCounter can also graph the number of friends you have as well as your daily tweeting frequency. You can also use TwitterCounter to compare one Twitterer’s ranking to another.
- Yahoo! Know Your Mojo. If you’re just looking for a more cursory and entertaining summary of your Twitter activity and personality, enter your Twittername into Know Your Mojo by Yahoo! to find out what kind of Twitterer you are.
I’m considered a Name Dropper which I thought used to be a negative thing, however, it means that I “tweet like a champ” and am very good at “calling out my fellow Twitterers by name.” Other types of Twitterers are the Concierge who is always providing URLs for others, a Crowd Pleaser who uses a lot of hashtags, and B.F.F. for someone who tweets a lot of @ replies to others.
There are many other Twitter statistics applications that can help you figure out how well you tweet and where you rank against others.
Bottom Line: Statistics can be interesting or fun to look at, but the real bottom line is actually the bottom line. Are you seeing some kind of tangible return for the effort you put into tweeting? I would have to say that for myself, absolutely. Twitter has helped me build a loyal and active following who are supportive of me and the work I do. That to me is worth its weight in gold.
Contact Me
That’s all we have time for today. Visit the show’s website at for links to all of the sites mentioned in the show. If you’d like to ask a question or request a topic for The Digital Marketer, email me at digitalmarketer@quickanddirtytips.comcreate new email or leave a message by calling 206-339-6279. And remember to look for us on Facebook at and you can follow me on Twitter at twitter alizasherman.
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- Twitter Analyzer – Twitter Analyzer
- TweetStats – TweetStats
- TwitterCounter – TwitterCounter
- Know Your Mojo – Know Your Mojo image courtesy of Shutterstock