Is Imported Cheese Free of Growth Hormones?
Monica Reinagel, MS, LD/N, CNS
Monica Reinagel, MS, LD/N, CNS
July 26, 2011
1-minute read
Ask the Diva: Is Imported Cheese Free of Growth Hormones?
Q. Since the EU does not allow rBGH [recombinant bovine growth hormon in their dairy supply, is it safe to assume that butter and cheese imported from Europe is free of growth hormones?
Answer. Well, yes and no. Some American dairy farmers administer rBGH to the cows in order to increase milk yields. Because rBGH is banned in Europe, it’s safe to assume that cheese and other dairy products imported from Europe were produced without rBGH.
However, that does not mean that European dairy products are entirely hormone-free. Remember: cows produce their own growth hormones and residues from these naturally occurring hormones are present in their milk.
Related Content: Hormones in Food