Make a Quantum Leap in Your Personal Finances
Money Girl has 5 tips for building up some momentum in accomplishing tasks on your financial to-do list.
Laura Adams, MBA
If you’re like most people, you have financial tasks that you’ve been putting off. Maybe you need to switch to a free checking account, open an IRA, research a mortgage refinance, reevaluate your insurance, or file a stack of stuff.
Whatever you’ve been postponing, use these 5 tips to accomplish it this week:
Don’t wait until you feel “ready.” Most people never really want to work on their finances—not even me (I’d rather be playing at the beach)! If you’ve been delaying an important task, try framing it differently to boost your motivation. For instance, think about how great you’ll feel when the task is done and you start saving or earning more money.
Don’t wait for the right time. There’s no better time to improve your personal finances than right now. In fact, every day that you wait to accomplish a financial task costs you money.
Take one tiny baby step. The first step is always the hardest—so just commit to doing something very small, like filing for 5 minutes, making one phone call, or doing research online. You’ll probably find that the task isn’t so bad after all and accomplish more than you had anticipated.
Remember your goals. Keeping the big picture of your finances in mind will help you slog through the tasks that seem like a hassle now. Do you want to retire early? Leave a nice inheritance for your children? Save a down payment for a home? What you accomplish today can make those dreams a reality.
Get support. Misery loves company, right? It’s usually easier to accomplish a dreaded task with someone else. So ask a spouse, partner, or trusted friend to help motivate you or to work on the task with you.
After you make a leap with your finances, reward yourself by doing something you enjoy! Then use your momentum to take another step forward and accomplish the next task on your financial to-do list.
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