Proper Office Microwave Etiquette
Don’t be known around the office as “that” person with the horrible microwave habits. Do it right, with these three tips.
If there is one thing I’ve learned about people as the Modern Manners Guy, it’s that coworkers tend to drive everyone nuts! I get email after email (which I LOVE so please keep sending them) asking how to deal with improper coworkers. Even though I talk about the office environment in many articles, I wanted to focus this article completely on those wacky coworkers. So, where to start? How about where we all gather, the kitchen, and better yet, the microwave.
What Is Proper Office Microwave Etiquette?
In many offices, “water cooler” talk has now been replaced with microwave talk as people stand around gossiping as they heat up their oatmeal, microwave lunch, or leftover Thai food. But whether you are meat lover, a vegetarian, a vegan, or that one guy I used work with who ate only protein bars (seriously, it was insane–I never saw him eat anything else) the microwave is not meant for JUST you. It’s shared—and it shouldn’t be treated like the microwave in your college dorm freshman year.
So here are my top three tips on how to show the proper office microwave etiquette.
Proper Office Microwave Etiquette Tip #1: Don’t Leave Your Food
My first pet peeve when it comes to improper microwave etiquette is when someone abandons their food like it was a sinking ship. What, you can’t wait the two minutes until it’s done? God forbid you stay away from your desk for 45 seconds while you heat up a cup of water.
Leaving your food in the microwave causes a ripple of bad things to occur, like when you overheat that soup and it spills, leaving you to clean up the microwave (usually half-a**ed), causing your fellow coworkers to have to wait even longer.
Secondly, I know this may be hard to hear but… you are NOT the only one using it. You saw the line of people behind you–what, you think they just came to watch you? “Oh wow, Dave is heating up his spaghetti, look at his technique…” Lunchtime is valuable and every second counts… including those at the microwave.
Another example of improper behavior is when people just forget about their food. In this instance, I will tell you to wait thirty seconds after the person’s meal is done and if they don’t come back, remove the dish, place it nicely aside, and then take your turn.
The best way to use the microwave is to just wait for your food to be done. If you need to email, do it before. If you feel you will get bored, bring a magazine, or print out an article from the web. Better yet, talk to your fellow coworker. You may not have to like everyone but no one is SO bad you can’t talk to him or her for two minutes and thirty seconds.
Proper Office Microwave Etiquette Tip #2: Don’t Stink Up the Joint
I get that everyone has their own tastes in food (remember my protein bar junkie coworker?), but nothing is that good that you need to leave an odor flying around the office. You know the dish you brought for lunch has a strong odor–you either made it or ordered it–so don’t be surprised if others are gagging around you. Stinky foods aren’t just fish or meats (the main culprits); popcorn is notoriously bad for smelling bad when you burn it. (See tip #1, don’t leave popcorn unattended in the microwave.)
The best way you can show respect to your fellow coworkers is to cook something in the microwave with a neutral smell or a light odor. Yes, a meal with some spices tastes good, but try adding the spice after you heat up your meal if you even think it may cause an issue. A lot of times people have very sensitive allergies so that even smelling a certain type of food will cause them to have a reaction. So, please I beg you, no matter how good the dish is, if it smells stronger than your uncle Jim’s Drakar Noir, then please leave it at home.
Proper Office Microwave Etiquette Tip #3: Yes, There IS A Time Limit
How many times have you been in line for a microwave and then watched as the person in front of you types in “7:00.” Seven minutes! Are you for real!? Using the office microwave is not the time to cook Thanksgiving dinner. Microwaves were invented for speed, so when you punch in anything higher than 3:00 you are committing a microwave crime. Book em’ Danno!
When it comes to using the microwave in the office, pick a meal that doesn’t take long to heat up. And if your meal does take a long time, heat it up on off hours—not at prime lunch-eating time when you’ll be delaying a lot of angry hungry people.
My last tip goes without saying: if your food explodes, leaving a mess, you must clean it up. All of it. Even if there’s no one in the kitchen to see you make the mess.
Do you have a great story about how you witness rather improper office microwave etiquette? Post them on my Modern Manners Guy Facebook page so we can all hear the details. As always, if you have another manners question, I’m look forward to hearing from you so drop me a line at As well, don’t forget to follow me on Twitter @MannersQDT. And of course, check back next week for more Modern Manners Guy tips.
Microwave image courtesy of Shutterstock