Social Networks for Doing Business
Social networking sites aren’t just for social interaction but can be used for business owners who want to get down to business.
Aliza Sherman
Social Networks for Doing Business
Hi there, The Digital Marketer here, ready to help you put the power of the Internet and technology to work for your business.
Do you think social networks are just a waste of time? Social networks aren’t only about socializing for fun. They can be powerful tools for connecting with others in ways that can benefit your company.
I belong to a lot of social networks, mostly because it is my job to stay on top of the latest social networking tools and trends. Most of the social networks I’ve tried just aren’t useful for a business owner in terms of doing business, but there are those specifically geared toward entrepreneurs. Which one might be right for you, and how can you use it effectively?
How to Use Social Networks Professionally
There are many ways that a social network can benefit you as an entrepreneur including:
- Generating business leads.
- Cultivating strategic partnerships.
- Identifying potential vendors.
- Identifying — and vetting — potential employees.
- Extending your company’s brand — or even your own brand.
There are many other ways business owners are using social networks to enhance their work in ways that save them time and money and in some cases, even make them money.
Social Networks That Mean Business
Another professional social network is Plaxo at P-L-A-X-O dot com. Plaxo started out as a contact management system online but with the popularity of social networks, the company added social networking features including contacts and status updates. Plaxo does tend to send a lot of email including birthday notices and notices when people you know join Plaxo. The latter is based on the people in your email address book. You can change which notices you receive under “Settings”.
Some business-oriented social networks are more focused or more regional. BizNik at B-I-Z-N-I-K dot com is focused on independent workers — people who have their own businesses but often work from home and are more isolated from larger business environments. BizNik started in the Seattle area, however, their business model is to create online and offline communities for independent workers and small companies in cities across the country.
I joined BizNik to network with people in Seattle to expand my network outside of Alaska where I live, because I can fly there relatively, affordably, and easily.
Getting the Most Out of Business Social Networks
Even if a social network is geared toward entrepreneurs, it can take time to cultivate connections and turn those digital connections into fruitful business deals. Some social networking techniques you might use include:
- Mining for contacts. Click over to view your contacts’ profiles then click to view their contacts to see if there is anyone you might like to meet. Be selective, however, or you could come across as a spammer.
- Keeping your status update updated. Use your status update to mention projects you are working on, people who you are looking to meet, or information you need for your work. You’ll be surprised who is paying attention and the feedback you can receive.
- Offering to make introductions. When you review your contact list, look for people who might benefit from meeting one another. When you help others make connections, they often return the favor.
- Linking to your company site or blog. This may seem like a no-brainer tip, however, you’d be surprised how many people forget to add links to their company sites on their professional networks. Social networking should help drive people to your site so they can find out more about you.
- Honing your profile. Continue to modify and update your social networking profile to remain current, concise, and compelling. Your social network profile is a first impression that can affect how people perceive you and your company.
Bottom Line: You don’t need to join a lot of social networks to be effective. Stick to making the one you’ve joined a valuable business tool, and you should see positive results in just a few months.
Contact Me
That’s all we have time for today. Visit the show’s website at for links to all of the sites mentioned in the show. If you’d like to ask a question or request a topic for The Digital Marketer, email me at digitalmarketer@quickanddirtytips.comcreate new email or leave a message by calling 206-339-6279.
The Digital Marketer’s Quick and Dirty Tips for Building Your Business With Web Tools is part of the Quick and Dirty Tips network at Tune in for another business boost from The Digital Marketer, the host who’s not afraid to go under the Internet’s hood & get a little dirty!
LinkedIn – LinkedIn
Plaxo – Plaxo
BizNik – BizNik
Konnects – Konnects
Online Community image courtesy of Shutterstock