Sports Event Etiquette
Sports and manners don’t always go hand in hand; make sure you’re acting the right way with these 3 tips.
Who doesn’t like going to a live sporting event? The anticipation, the crowd, the frenzy, the food, everything! I love it all. This past weekend I went a basketball game at my alma matter and got so into the game it was if I was 21 years old, again, painting my face and shouting the fight song at the top of my lungs. Now that I’m a parent, seeing other families with young kids made me long for the days when I can eventually bring my daughter to a game—though it may be a hard sell to her if Elmo or the Wiggles aren’t there.
Sports Event Etiquette
As I was gazing at the beautiful family of four in front of me, happily envisioning myself in a few years, all was sent crashing down when a young college kid yelled something rude and foul to the other team’s star player. In short, he alluded to having just had “relations” with #15’s mother, sister and girlfriend last night. Now, granted it got a good laugh from the crowd, but the last thing I want is my little angel to ever hear fictional – or factual for that matter- sex tales of some 19-year-old.
So, I figured I’d do what I always do when I witness unmannerly behavior–I created my top 3 ways to act properly at a sporting event.
Proper Sporting Event Etiquette Tip #1: You CAN Be Mean, But Just Don’t Be RUDE
I’m guilty as the next guy of booing and wishing incredible harm to the opposing team, but in my day I was never so crude that people would roll their eyes in shame. There is nothing wrong with hoping your linebacker dismantles the quarterback–it’s all a part of the game–but saying anything vulgar or cursing? Come on folks, where’s the team spirit there? Showing your support for your team does not have to be so distasteful. After all, you aren’t the only one there. Cursing in public is not just highly rude to others around you (of all ages), but most of all totally lacks any creativity. Yelling expletives at the coach, like “F*#$ yourself!” is just plain lame. Where’s the ingenuity? Where’s the cleverness?
If you’re going to tease, I suggest a more specific insult. Like when my college fans yell out, “NIT, NIT, NIT” implying the other team is so bad they will be heading to the loser’s bracket that is known as the National Invitation Tournament (NIT), rather than the NCAA March Madness games. It may not mean a lot to non-sports fans but trust me, the diehards know it well. It will mess the other team up and hopefully knock them off their game.
Sports Event Etiquette Tip #2: Keep Your Tips To Yourself
There is a good reason why you are sitting in the stands and not on the court or field. Despite how “bad” a player or coach appears to be, he’s a hell of a lot better than you are so don’t offer your advice. Some of the best comedy you’ll ever hear is when someone in the stands shouts their own tips for winning. Yes, Johnny Sidelines, I’m sure the coach will get right on taking your advice.
No one in the stands wants to hear your inexperienced tips on what a professional coach should do. But if you simply can’t control yourself, watch at home where you can scream at the TV all you want. Your tips will be just as effective there. And there’s always Madden 2010 on PlayStation.
Sports Event Etiquette Tip #3: Leave the Violence On the Field
Being an action sports fanatic, I love watching a good hit take place, however only when it occurs on the field. Nothing is worse then when two (or more) fans get so intense they end up throwing fists right and left, like an episode of Jerry Springer. That is the ultimate in rude fan behavior.
No one in the stands wants to hear your inexperienced tips on what a professional coach should do.
Last year, I was at an NFL game where a drunk guy two rows back started in with a guy a row in front of me. What started out as a seemingly friendly banter back and forth, turned into an all out brawl when the moron behind me walked down and decided to approach his soon-to-be opponent. Aside from some pretty lousy punches being thrown, the most disgusting part was that children were around and had to listen to and witness this incredibly rude behavior.
Blame it on alcohol or just an overdose of male testosterone, but I have zero tolerance for violence in the stands. It can ruin games, teams’ reputations, and most of all distract fans from the game.
If you want to fight, stay home–we don’t need you messing up our game.
If you DO decide to get into a fight, at least have the courtesy to take it outside… because if you don’t, chances are security will quickly show the way out and it won’t be friendly.
Do you have a great story about a sporting event you went to and witnessed some rather improper manners? Post them on my Modern Manners Guy Facebook page so we can all laugh with you. As always, if you have another manners question, I’m look forward to hearing from you so drop me a line at manners@quickanddirtytips.comcreate new email. As well, don’t forget to follow me on Twitter @ MannersQDT. And of course, check back next week for more Modern Manners Guy tips.
Sporting Event image courtesy of Shutterstock