Stever Robbins
About Stever Robbins
Stever Robbins (who can be found at is an executive coach and serial entrepreneur. He helps people live extraordinary lives and embark on big-vision, world changing projects.
Stever co-founded the early internet success story FTP Software, served as COO of Building Blocks Interactive, CEO of, and has been an initial team member of ten start-ups. He was project manager at Intuit, co-leading the development of the award-winning Quicken VISA Card. He serves as business plan judge for the Harvard Business School business plan competition, the Pete Conrad Spirit of Innovation Awards, the William James Foundation social enterprise competition, and the Mass Challenge entrepreneurship competition.
Stever was a co-designer in Harvard Business School’s “Leadership and Learning” curriculum redesign, and has advised and mentored senior managers in several high-growth companies. He co-developed and taught a course at Babson College on Building Social Capital for Career Success. Stever’s “Living an Extraordinary Life” program was one of the highest attended webinars ever run for the Harvard Business School Alumni Association.
He has presented at TEDx MillRiver, been a repeat commentator on CNN-fn’s Entrepreneurs Only, and hosted a regular segment on the nationally syndicated radio show Entrepreneurs, Living the American Dream. He is a featured expert in Harvard Business School Publishing’s Harvard Manage Mentor, as well as appearing as an expert in critical thinking and memory in Houghton-Mifflin’s Skillbuilders series.
He has been interviewed in numerous publications including The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, NBC Nightly News, ABC News Now, MSNBC, FOX News, USA Today, BusinessWeek Online, US News & World Report, and Investor’s Business Daily. He has written for Harvard Business Review, The Boston Business Journal, and has had columns on and Harvard Business School’s Working Knowledge.
Stever is the author of Get-it-Done Guy’s 9 Steps to Work Less and Do More and It Takes a Lot More than Attitude…to Lead a Stellar Organization.
Stever is a graduate of W. Edward Deming’s Total Quality Management training program, and a Certified Master Trainer Elite of NLP. He holds an MBA from the Harvard Business School and a BS in Computer Sciences from MIT.
Get-It-Done Guy’s 9 Steps to Work Less and Do More
From the host of the Get-It-Done Guy podcast (downloaded over 26 million times) comes a program to work more efficiently and achieve the goals that matter most.
Where are our robots?
A generation ago, 21st century technology was supposed to deliver us more free time. Instead, it has tethered us to work and overwhelmed us with information. Now what do we do? Stever Robbins has the answers. In Get-It-Done Guy’s 9 Steps to Work Less and Do More, Robbins charts a path to accomplish more, faster, so you can reclaim your me time. Robbins backs up his big time-management ideas with practical tips, including tricks to conquer your e-mail inbox, beat procrastination, stop wasting time, and stay focused amidst all kinds of distractions.
Written with an easygoing humor and entertaining, conversational style, Get-It-Done Guy’s 9 Steps to Work Less and Do More is for anyone whose daily to-do list is unmanageable and whose free time is shrinking.
Order the Get-It-Done Guy Book
Get-It-Done Guy’s 9 Steps to Work Less and Do More is available in paperback and as an e-book and audiobook. You order it now from these online retailers: