What’s Your Cleaning Personality?
Which of the six cleaning personalities fits you best?
Over the last nine years, I’ve had the opportunity to work with hundreds of people in their homes. One thing that I’ve seen is that people have distinct cleaning personalities. Which of these six cleaning personalities are you?
1. The Little Bits
If you are the Little Bits cleaning personality, you are the type who likes to break down your cleaning tasks into small pieces and do a little bit when you have a few spare moments. People who fit this personality grab a duster when they see a layer of dust on the knick knacks, vacuum when they see dog hair accumulating in the corners, and clean other little bits of the home at a time.
If this is your cleaning style, you likely have a relaxed attitude when it comes to your home, but you can’t stand to see your home dirty. You do what it takes to keep your home clean, but you don’t stress about making sure it’s all clean at the same time. Your home is clean and comfortable, but there’s a chance that details are getting missed. While it can be a good thing to clean little bits of your home at a time, make sure you are also taking note to make sure that the not-so-obvious areas are also staying clean.
2. The Perfectionist
How do you know if you’re the Perfectionist? If you clean every day, even vacuuming, and you apologize for your messy home when you know it’s actually fairly clean, there’s a good chance you’re the Perfectionist. The Perfectionist cleans everything, every day. Your home is always clean, and even the smallest mess bugs you.
The positive is that your home is always in perfect condition when people visit. The challenge that this cleaning personality has is that your family and friends may actually be intimidated by your home. People may feel uncomfortable not knowing if they should remove their shoes, or even have an open bottle of water, in your home. If you are a Perfectionist, make an extra special effort to make sure your friends and family know they are welcome in your home, even if you need to clean up AFTER they leave.
3. The Panicker
The next personality is the Panicker. If you say, “Oh crap!” when a friend says they are coming to your home, you are likely a Panicker. Every time you find out that someone is coming over, you go in to a frenzy, throwing stuff behind closed doors, putting dirty dishes in your oven, and frantically scrubbing a month’s worth of crusty toothpaste from your bathroom counter.
The positive with this cleaning personality is that you prove how much you can get done in a short amount of time. When you have a deadline, you can do amazing things. While the amount of work you can do in 15 minutes is impressive, there is a really good chance that your closets are crammed full of stuff, and there are some really gross areas of your home because you avoid cleaning until you have a major incentive. This cleaning personality can best benefit from hosting a dinner party once a month at your home. That way you have a regular deadline to get motivated to clean your home instead of waiting to panic.
4. The Weekly Hurrah
Are you lax on cleaning during the week, and then spend one day a week cleaning your home from top to bottom? You’re our next cleaning personality, which is the Weekly Hurrah. This personality spends one full day cleaning and doing laundry because they love it that way, or because they feel an obligation to do it. Whatever the motivation, this personality dedicates a day a week to keeping their home in order.
If you fit this personality, you were likely raised this way, and continue the tradition with your own family as an adult. It is a routine that keeps your home company ready condition, but there’s a good chance you are missing out on quality family time because you’re taking a good chunk of a day to keep your house clean. If you get frustrated with this routine, take a week off, or adjust your cleaning schedule to break things up between a few days each week. Make sure you take time to enjoy your weekends, and have the personal time you need to recover from your week.
5. The Rat’s Patooty
When a friend calls and says they are coming over, do you look around your home, notice it’s kinda messy, and say, “Meh, good enough”? Does a mess not stress you out? You may be the Rat’s Patooty cleaning personality. As in, you give a Rat’s Patooty about what both yourself and others think about your home. You might get wild and give your home a good cleaning once a year… or you might not.
The upside of this personality is that you are comfortable in your own skin, you’re laid back, and no one ever feels judged when they are in your home. The downsides are that you might be causing damage to your home by not cleaning it frequently enough, your home might be gross, and you might have a distorted view on the condition of your home. If you even think you might be in this category, it could be a good idea to ask a friend to give you their honest opinion on the state of your home and tidy up if they say it’s time to clean up.
6. The Delegator
The Delegator cleaning personality is one that values having a clean home, but you either don’t like to clean it yourself, or you don’t have time to do it yourself. You tend to be hands off when it comes to your housework so you can focus on things that are more important to you, like work, family, or personal ventures. Your home is well cared for, but you aren’t having to do the work.
This personality is based around the premise that you can afford to pay someone to do the work in your home. If your income changes, you may need to make some significant changes in your lifestyle. This isn’t necessarily anything to worry about, but just keep it in mind if you are the delegator personality because the last thing you want to do is start delegating to your family members who don’t want to be delegated to.
Which cleaning personality are you? How about the others in your life? Which one do you think I am? I give clues to it on my Instagram page, so make sure to check out some of my habits there. Let me know what you think on the Domestic CEO Facebook page.
Until next time, I’m the Domestic CEO, helping you love your home.