Who Owns My Student Loan Debt?
Money Girl gives resources to find out who really owns your student loan debt.
Q: “My student loan debt is in collection, but several different companies say they own the debt. How do I determine who actually owns it?”
A: You can find your federal student loan holder by searching The National Student Loan Data System at nslds.ed.gov. This is the database for student aid, including loans and grants. It contains information on the kind of loan you have (such as a Direct loan or Perkins loan), the outstanding balance, and status.
You can also get information by calling the Federal Student Aid Information Center at 800-433-3243 or 800-730-8913 (TDD).
For loans in default, the Federal Student Aid Collections Office at 800-621-3115 or 800-730-8913 (TDD).
If you need additional assistance with your federal student loans, contact the Student Loan Ombudsman Office at 877-557-2575 or ombudsman.ed.gov.
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