Bathroom Manners
If you are in a dining establishment and need to.
Adam Lowe
Bathroom Manners
Today’s topic is bathroom etiquette, and we’ll begin today with public bathrooms.
Proper Bathroom Etiquette
If you are in a dining establishment and need to use the lavatory, try to wait for a good moment (say, just after ordering) to excuse yourself so your fellow diners don’t feel awkward waiting for you if the food arrives. Some restaurants have separate men’s and women’s bathrooms, while others have coed restrooms. If you are using a coed bathroom (especially if you are a man) remember that others will have to use the toilet after you. Men, make sure to lift the toilet seat before urinating; if you are concerned about the sanitary conditions, you can use your foot to gently lift the side of the toilet seat up or down. You also may use some toilet paper, tissues or paper towels to move the seat. And men should lower the seat after they are finished. If there are separate men’s and women’s restrooms, then I think men should feel comfortable leaving the seat up when the restroom is busy and stalls must be used as urinals.
Public Bathroom Etiquette
For public restrooms where an attendant is present (less common in the US these days, but still seen in some fancier establishments), the attendant will hand you a towel after you wash your hands, and may also start and stop the water for you. There will usually be gum, mints, and hair gel available, which you may use. It is customary to tip the attendant if they have provided some service or supply; usually a dollar. In some countries, many public restrooms have attendants and it is customary to leave a small tip in the tip dish.
When it comes to the debate between men and women about whether to leave the toilet seat up or down, the answer for everyone is to leave both the toilet seat and cover down.
Should Men Put the Toilet Seat Down?
When using the bathroom in someone’s home, be certain to leave the bathroom as clean as you found it. Put the toilet seat and cover down when you are done, and pull the door all but shut when you leave. If you’ve left the bathroom a bit smelly, you should make sure to use the fan or crack a window (if reasonably possible) to air things out a bit.Â
If there is air freshener present and you wish to use it, use only a small amount. A candle or match (if available) may also help to dissipate odors. And remember, when it comes to the debate between men and women about whether to leave the toilet seat up or down, the answer for everyone is to leave both the toilet seat and cover down.
Which Towel Should You Use to Dry Your Hands?
While it goes without saying that you should wash your hands after using the bathroom, it can sometimes be confusing which towel you should use when at a private home. It is a good measure to have a set of small guest towels available for visitors to your home. Cloth guest towels are nicer, although they can sometimes be confusing for the users. If you have cloth guest towels, you should have a receptacle (different from the garbage) for used towels. If you think your guests might be confused, you might leave one used towel in the receptacle to clue them in. You may also use paper guest towels, which are just thrown away after use. If you are a guest and there are no guest towels, then use the hand towel nearest to the sink.Â
So here’s hoping you always find an impeccably clean bathroom wherever you go, and thank you for listening to quick and dirty tips for a more polite life.