It’s Getting Better All the Time
Use your free time to work smarter, really work smarter, so you’re on top of your game.
Stever Robbins
It’s Getting Better All the Time
David from Boston called in with a great question.
Hi, Stever.
Once in a long while, I’ll have a brief interlude in my workload. And I’ll often aspire to use the time to get ahead and make things easier on myself in the future. I’ll somewhat randomly organize e-mails or I’ll comb through my work material and I’ll make work for myself. But ultimately, I suspect I’m working more and doing less.
My question–how do you plan to make the most of your downtime? Do you have any quick and dirty tips for how to prioritize and really make an impact that your future self will enjoy?
Thanks for all the great tips in your podcast!
Free time? FREE TIME? You have free time? Quick! Sell it to the highest bidder! Bottle it! Save it! That’s a rare, precious commodity. Last time I had free time, I watched all seven seasons of Buffy the Vampire Slayer straight through. It was heaven!
My quick and dirty tip–use your free time to improve *how* you do things in your life. And choose those things to include a healthy mix of play, self-care, and work-related tasks.
When we have downtime, there are lots of things we can do with it. I’ll plan to watch socially relevant, intelligent coverage of world crises, scientific trends, and political debate. That’s the plan. What I’ll actually do is lie on the couch and read trashy science fiction, watch reality TV shows, and wish they made clothes for men that look as good as the clothes for Heidi Klum.