How to Get Rid of Cellulite
Learn what works to get rid of cellulite.
Ben Greenfield
How to Get Rid of Cellulite
In last week’s article, What Causes Cellulite, you learned that cellulite occurs when fat is able to protrude through weak connective tissue and create a dimply, cottage-cheese-like appearance underneath the skin. You also learned that cellulite can be caused by poor circulation, tight underwear, overeating, hormonal imbalances, lack of exercise and excessive calorie intake. In this article, you’ll learn whether things like fat creams, laser, massage, surgery and other methods will actually get rid of cellulite.
How to Get Rid of Cellulite
As you may have guessed, products promising to get rid of cellulite make up a multi-million dollar industry. From cellulite-reduction lotions to laser-light machines, brand new methods that promise to get rid of cellulite emerge almost every year. But ultimately, getting rid of cellulite requires two Quick and Dirty cellulite reduction methods:
strengthening connective tissue; and
decreasing fat.
Quick andn Dirty Cellulite Reduction Method #1: Strengthe Connective Tissue
In the episode “How to Tighten Loose Skin After Weight Loss”, I explain how different layers of your skin are made up of different types of cells, and though the skin cells on the outer part of your skin (the epidermis) are constantly being lost and replaced with new cells, the skin cells under the epidermis are a bit more permanent.
These layers of the skin, called the dermis and subdermis, are made up of elastic connective tissues, fibers, blood vessels and all sorts of components that can stretch or contract depending on how they’re treated. If they’re not treated well, they become weak, fat pokes through, and cellulite forms. So how can you strengthen this connective tissue?
Exercise. Exercise improves blood flow to connective tissue and also strengthens the muscles that can help tighten and support the skin. One of the best ways to get rid of cellulite in an area is to do a targeted weight-training program, which you can learn more about in “How to Tone and Lose Fat In One Body Part”.
Creams. Skin tightening creams with herbal formulas and ingredients such as aloe vera, hyaluronic acid, yeast extract, soy protein, vitamin C, vitamin E, and vitamin A can help to hydrate skin and increase collagen and elastin formation. Beware that many of these creams contain caffeine, which can improve circulation, but can also give you jitters and insomnia. Many creams can also irritate your skin, leading to rashes, bumps, hives and irritation.
Nutrition. Protein-rich foods such as cottage cheese, milk, legumes, tofu, beans, seeds, nuts, and fish all contain collagen and elastin forming components, which can help to strengthen connective tissue and prevent cellulite fat from poking through. Staying very well hydrated each day will also assist the skin and connective tissue in staying healthy and supple.
Improve circulation. Avoid tight clothing, especially around areas where you tend to form cellulite. Yoga, regular stretching, and even regular use of herbs like ginseng, cayenne, ginger, and cinnamon can also help improve circulation, which keeps connective tissue fed and strong. If you really want to spend some money getting rid of your cellulite, a medical laser treatment can also improve circulation, but may not be much better than simply getting a regular massage to enhance circulation. Radio frequency, vibration, and ultrasound are other examples of fancy methods to improve circulation. Although doctors who make lots of money off such treatments won’t like to hear this, just as much circulation may be able to be achieved through exercise and massage.
Quick and Dirty Cellulite Reduction Method #2: Decrease Fat
As mentioned in Part 1 of this series, your connective tissue is like a paper bag, and once you get to many groceries in that bag, those extra groceries can all spill through. In the case of cellulite, fat is the extra groceries. So how can you decrease the amount of fat you form
Exercise. In “The Best Workout For Fat Loss”, I explain how to put together the perfect fat-burning workout routine, which gives the one-two combo of connective tissue strengthening and fat loss, which can significantly reduce appearance of cellulite.
Nutrition. In contrast to the protein-rich foods I mentioned earlier, high sugar foods, high calorie intake, or foods with lots of the nasty P’s (packaging, processing or preservatives) can cause hormonal imbalances and an increased potential to increase fat deposition– both of which can increase cellulite formation.
Liposuction. One popular method for reducing fat is to simply get it sucked out. Unfortunately, studies have shown that within a year you can put all that fat back on, typically in your belly. You can learn more about that in the episode “Does Liposuction Work.” In addition, when liposuction is used, the unsightly cellulite is replaced by equally unsightly dimples.
Injections. Injections of pharmacological compounds that are basically glorified detergents can cause destruction of fat cell membranes in a specific area. Some countries do not even approve this method, since it is not thoroughly research and may be unsafe, and I personally wouldn’t recommend getting injections of cell destroying compounds into your body.
Cellulite Busting Bottom Line
There are certainly other complex cellulite reduction methods, but most are simply combinations of the methods described above. For example, “SmoothShapes” is one popular machine that combines massaging rollers with laser light, and “VeloSmooth” uses infrared light, radiofrequency, and massage. Though fancy and expensive, these machines are merely designed to improve circulation and have no magic capabilities to simply make cellulite disappear. Most of your benefits will come from eating a healthy, protein-rich diet, and exercising every day.
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