5 New Fat Burning Exercises
Are you bored with your workout routine? Have you reached a plateau in your weight loss or fitness levels? In today’s episode, Get-Fit Guy introduces 5 brand new exercises that will burn fat fast, challenge your metabolism, and keep your workouts exciting.
Ben Greenfield
5 New Fat Burning Exercises
In the episode Top 10 Reasons You’re Not Losing Weight, I describe the SAID principle of exercise. SAID stands for Specific Adaptations to Imposed Demands – and this means that our bodies eventually adapt to the demands we place upon them.
So if you’re doing the same workout routine or the same exercises week after week, or month after month, your body becomes very efficient at those exercises or that routine, and you no longer burn as many calories or get as good a fitness response from your efforts..
This is why I personally change up my routine every week and I recommend you introduce new fitness moves or change up your workouts at least once a month to get the biggest bang for your workout buck.
In today’s episode, you’ll get 5 brand new exercises that will burn fat fast, challenge your metabolism, and keep your workouts exciting.
You can view most of these exercises in my 5 New Fat Burning Exercises video. Let’s jump right in!
New Fat Burning Exercise #1: ManMaker
The ManMaker (sorry ladies, I didn’t invent the title) is the only exercise in this episode that actually requires equipment – in this case a set of dumbbells. To do this exercise, get into a push-up position with one hand on either dumbbell, then do a push-up. Next, row with one dumbbell, then row with the other dumbbell. Stand quickly (also called a “clean”) and place both dumbbells on your shoulders, then do a front squat followed by an overhead press.
Return the dumbbells back to their starting position to complete that repetition and get ready for the next repetition. To maximize your results, choose a weight that makes it difficult for you to complete 10 repetitions of the ManMaker. Just 10 repetitions of this potent move can be used for a fast, 5 minute, full body, fat-burning workout!
New Fat Burning Exercise #2: Breakdance Push-up
This exercise will not only improve your core and upper body strength like a regular push-up, but also will also increase your agility and flexibility – and it doesn’t actually require you to be a professional breakdancer.
Start in a bridge position with your bellybutton facing the ceiling and your weight supported on your hands and feet. Then “flip” to one side or the other, keeping one leg off the ground, and do a push-up. Then “flip” again back to the bridge position. Here’s a great example of a breakdance push-up. Try 5 breakdance push-ups for each side.
New Fat Burning Exercise #3: Sox Squat
The Sox Squat is excellent for forcing your body to attain proper posture, open up shoulder and chest muscles that get notoriously tight when you’re sitting at a computer, and also work nearly every muscle in your body.
Start in a standing position with your shoulder blades squeezed back and your arms overhead and bent at a 90o angle. Then drop down into a seated, squatting position. Next stand and slowly straighten your arms as you stand. The most important thing to do during a Sox Squat is to keep your shoulder blades squeezed back and your butt back behind you. Try 10 Sox Squats, and to make them even more difficult, stand facing the wall with your toes up against the wall as you do the exercise, which will force you to keep your weight behind you.
New Fat Burning Exercise #4: Skater Squat
Unlike the Sox Squat, the Skater Squat introduces balance, coordination, and agility into the mix. You can see an image of the starting and ending position here.
Start by standing upright and shifting your weight onto your left foot. Then bend your right knee 900 so your right foot is behind you and off the floor. Keeping your left knee tracking over your standing foot, bend your left knee, hip and ankle while slowly lowering your right knee – and your entire body weight – toward the floor. When done correctly, you’ll look just like a speed skater in the final position. When you’ve lowered yourself as far as you can, reverse the movement and return to the starting position.
For starters, try 5 repetitions for the left leg and 5 repetitions for the right leg. You can also check out my article Get Better Legs With 13 Squat Variations for even more awesome squat exercises!
New Fat Burning Exercise #5: Hip Hinge
I actually do my hip hinges while I’m taking a cold shower to maximize the fat-burning effect.
Simply cross both hands across your chest, then hinge forward at the hips while looking forward and keeping your back straight. You’ll reach a point at which your hamstrings feel very tight and you can’t hinge forward anymore without bending your back. Once you reach that point, “squeeze” your butt cheeks and use your butt to pull you back into your starting standing position. This exercise is also known as the folded dollar bill or the shadow deadlift exercise. Here’s a great video that contains a ton of similar exercises that are fantastic for your lower back and your glute muscles.
If you have questions about these 5 new fat burning exercises, or your own exercises to add to the list, post your comments below or at Facebook.com/GetFitGuy.
And if you’re looking for a great gift this holiday season, check out my book Get-Fit Guy’s Guide to Achieving Your Ideal Body. It will show you how to get the best possible body for your unique shape – without spending hours at the gym or buying expensive exercise equipment.
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