How to Get a Stronger Body Using a Unique New Workout Style
Here’s an approach to getting a strong and shredded body using these hybrid gymnastics training techniques, along with my own addition of some high intensity intervals for athletes and exercisers who a bit more of a cardio component.
Ben Greenfield
How to Get a Stronger Body Using a Unique New Workout Style
You’ve already learned all about the concepts behind combining gymnastics, weight training complexes and high intensity interval training to get a strong and shredded body. In this episode, by putting this all together, you’ll see exactly what a sample day would look like.
Below is the complete mash-up. Depending on which options you choose, this workout will last anywhere from 60-90 minutes. It is hefty, it is voluminous and it is intense, but it’s unique mashup of gymnastics, metabolic bursts and weight training complexes will get you extremely fit, with just a couple workouts like this each week (I do mine on Mondays and Thursdays).
Easy 5 minute jog
Full shoulder set with bands. I’ve been doing the exact Crossover Symmetry band training routine that I demonstrate in this video
30 burpees OR 1/8-1/4 mile run at race pace (masochists can do both)
Static Holds/Core/Positions:
45 second Straight body hold between mats (stomach up)
45 second Straight body hold between mats (stomach down)
Max Time Wall Handstand
15-30 V-ups
30 Olga Crunches
Metabolic Boost For Exercisers Who Want More Cardio:
Insert 30 jump pull-ups OR 1/8-1/4 mile run at race pace (masochists can do both)
Gymnastics Exercises:
Planch Walks with Sliders
Crab Walks with Sliders
10 Press First Half Drills – Press Compression slider assist (start at 1 minute mark to end of video)
10 Press Ball Assist
30 Second L Sit Leg Extends (stay in tuck for as long as needed)
Metabolic Boost For Exercisers Who Want More Cardio:
Insert 30 burpees + 1/8-1/4 mile run at race pace (masochists can do both)
Gymnastics Exercise/Major Muscle Group Combo:
3-10 Muscle-up Thera-band Assist or (if muscle-ups already practiced earlier in day or sprinkled through day using “Grease The Groove” technique) weighted horizontal pull-ups or other hanging or grip activity like regular pull-ups or neutral grip pull-ups, one set to failure.
Metabolic Boost For Exercisers Who Want More Cardio:
Insert 30 jump pull-ups OR 1/8-1/4 mile run at race pace (masochists can do both)
Weight Training Complexes:
Choose 2-3 complexes from this exercise complex database and complete 3-5 sets or rounds, following the exact instructions, with full recovery between each round
Optional Metabolic Bursts For Finisher (choose one to three of the options below):
10-30 box jumps or band assisted squat jumps
4 sets treadmill sprints or Sprints with Jog back or band assist sprint in place
Tabata set on treadmill, rowing machine bike or elliptical (4 minutes of 20 seconds all-out hard, 10 seconds easy)
My cooldown is simple: I simply do 20 arm swings and 20 leg swings then lay on my back for 2 minutes and do deep nasal breathing to reactivate my parasympathetic nervous system.
As I highlight in the article “How To Get A Strong & Shredded Body With Just Two Gymnastics-Style Workouts Per Week.” in addition to two of the gymnastics-style training sessions above, I am indeed stacking and sprinkling a few other components into my weekly program, such as obstacle course training challenges thrown at me by my coach Yancy Culp, mobility, foam rolling, ELDOA stretches, Core Foundation training, Kundalini yoga, my biohacked infrared sauna, cold thermogenesis and tennis.
I share all of those additional components and how I manage to squeeze them into a week in this plan, which is the exact workout plan I’m following for the first three months of 2017.
Whew! That’s it! I hope you enjoy the muscle gain, strength, cardo and fat loss results you’re guaranteed to get from this program.
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