Long Infrequent Workouts vs. Short Frequent Workouts
Ben Greenfield
Here’s a trick question: Which do you think is better — long workouts that you do every once in a while, or short workouts that you do more frequently?
Answer: It doesn’t matter!
A new study has found that people who do 150 minutes of exercise a few days of the week were not any less healthy than people who exercised more frequently throughout the week.
For example, someone who did not perform any physical activity on Monday to Friday but was active for 150 minutes over the weekend would obtain the same health benefits from their activity as someone who accumulated 150 minutes of activity over the week by doing 20-25 minutes of activity every day.
So the take-away lesson is this: Just exercise when you can – because total weekly volume counts more than how much you exercise each day!
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Young woman at the gym from Shutterstock