What’s It Like Living in an RV?
Come tour Domestic CEO’s vintage home on wheels.
I’ve mentioned breifly that Mr. DCeo and I are dabbling in the full-time RV living lifestyle, but had been holding off on introducing you to our new home for a bit. We needed to get a little time under our belts to decide if this lifestyle was really going to be the right choice for us. After a few months on the road, we’ve realized that it is indeed the right place for us to be calling home for the time being.
So, welcome to our home!
Yes, this 22’, 1986, Class C motor home is our new home. You might think we’re crazy for living in a space this small, and we might agree with you on some days, but for the time being, Mr. DCeo and I have decided that life on the road is what we both want.
I realize that most of my audience doesn’t live in a house on wheels, so I’ll still be focusing most of my episodes and blogs on “real” homes, but moving forward I’m also going to start incorporating a few posts now and then about RV living. To start, I’ll give you a tour of our new home.
This is us on the day we bought the RV. Notice how happy and clueless we look! Little did we know how much buying a “vintage” motor home would test our mechanical and handyman skills, our patience, and our ability to communicate. We are getting so many more bonus lessons than we ever expected.
Continue through the front door, saying hi to Mr. DCeo on the way.
Welcome to our dining room/office. “Dinner is on the computers,” has been said more than once in this space.
Directly across from the dining room is our kitchen. This is how it looks when everything is put away. That pretty much only happens when we are moving …
Down the “hall” is the living room and the bathroom. The bathroom is very small, but it does have a shower and a toilet. I’d show you a picture, but it’s not very photogenic due to the small space.
And finally, above the cab of the truck is our bedroom. It’s nearly impossible to get a good picture of the sleeping area, but imagine a lofted area with a little less than 2 ½ feet of space between the mattress and the ceiling, decked out with a fluffy down comforter, quilt, and pillows, and you’ve pictured our bedroom.
The best thing about our home is the outdoor living space because it changes a few times a month!
We are learning that this lifestyle is not for the faint of heart, but the rewards can be worth it. So far we’ve been able to explore most of Arizona, southern New Mexico, and are working our way across the great state of Texas. We are getting to see parts of our country we didn’t even know existed, and it’s been amazing.
If you want to see some of the amazing places we’ve visited, follow me on Instagram. That’s where I post most frequently about our adventures.